DAML-S Release Status

The current "pre-release" version 0.7 of DAML-S is an incomplete draft version, intended for review and comment from within the DAML, Semantic Web, Web services, and other relevant communities.

What's New or Changed in This Release

This release (0.7) was announced October 11, 2002. Although we try to avoid making substantive changes to an announced release, occasionally we do provide minor clarifications or corrections to released material. These changes (that is, changes made since the release announcement) are informally summarized here.


date: 2003/01/10 01:24:23;  
changed damlsParameter from Datatype to Object property


date: 2003/02/05
changed several incorrect uses of "toValue" to "hasValue"
(change due to www-ws message from Vera Zaychik)


date: 2003/01/10 23:23:24;
added property putInCartBookISBN (previously the process had an
incomplete use of "input")
(change due to www-ws message from Monika Solanki)


date: 2003/01/23 00:20:08;  
fixed a comment, replaced #input with #putInCartBookISBN
(both due to www-ws messages from Monika Solanki)


date: 2003/01/10 01:57:47;
eliminated a stray double-quote (Massimo)

date: 2003/03/06 06:19:21;
now using rdf:resource attributes with damlsParameter
now specifying xsd:uriReference rdf:value= where appropriate


date: 2003/01/10 01:23:22;
various changes from Massimo, Naveen, Takuya at CMU.
clean-up of ENTITY definitions
lots of detailed formatting fixes

What's New or Changed Since 0.6

Version 0.7 introduces the Grounding ontology, and includes some refinements to the Profile and Process Model ontologies. In addition, a new example of a Profile-based (yellow-pages style) service taxonomy is presented, and the existing service examples have been made more complete. The new Grounding ontology ties DAML-S in with the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), an emerging, collaborative industry effort that is currently the focus of a W3C working group.

The Profile

Changes to the Profile ontology are summarized here: profileChanges.html.

The Process Model

Coming soon ...

The Grounding Ontology

New material for 0.7.

Deprecated Constructs



See profileChanges.html.


What's Missing

This release of DAML-S is missing several notable components that will be added in subsequent releases. In particular

Known Limitations

See also DAML-S Design Rationale and Outstanding Issues

The Process Model

Coming soon ...

The Grounding Ontology

Coming soon ...
