Re: SWRL levels

From: Ora Lassila ([email protected])
Date: 11/16/05

  • Next message: Frank van Harmelen: "Re: SWRL levels"
    I have the same concerns, plus I worry that the more levels/layers/variants
    we create, the more confusing this gets for most people (incompatibilities
    or no incompatibilities).
        - Ora
    Ora Lassila  mailto:[email protected]
    Research Fellow, Nokia Research Center / Boston
    > From: "ext Peter F. Patel-Schneider" <[email protected]>
    > Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 14:26:58 -0500 (EST)
    > To: <[email protected]>
    > Cc: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
    > Subject: Re: SWRL levels
    > I worry that Tim's view is tending towards a Tower of Babel, i.e., different
    > languages that *do not* work together because they make different underlying
    > assumptions.
    > peter
    > From: "Mike Dean" <[email protected]>
    > Subject: SWRL levels
    > Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 13:58:02 -0500
    >> It occurred to me that the "two towers" (ontologies and rules) may share
    >> many floors and that many users may prefer to stay within the common base
    >> (for fear of heights or other reasons).  I think this is the focus of [1]
    >> from Tim's ISWC2005 keynote.
    >> To help with this, I think it may be useful to identify additional levels of
    >> SWRL and offer the following starting definitions:
    >> SWRL RDF
    >>   individualPropertyAtom and datavaluedPropertyAtom (property is just
    >>   rdf:Property), builtinAtom
    >> SWRL RDFS
    >>   classAtom (named classes only), datarangeAtom, individualPropertyAtom,
    >>   datavaluedPropertyAtom, builtinAtom
    >> SWRL DLP
    >>   current SWRL Member Submission restricted to DLP limitations
    >> SWRL Lite
    >>   current SWRL Member Submission restricted to OWL Lite limitations
    >> SWRL DL
    >>   current SWRL Member Submission (OWL DL semantics)
    >> SWRL Full
    >>   current SWRL Member Submission with OWL Full semantics
    >> SWRL FOL
    >>   current SWRL FOL Member Submission
    >> SWRL RDF, SWRL RDFS, and SWRL DLP are in the common base.
    >> Thoughts?
    >> Mike
    >> [1][12]

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