suggested edits on SWRL-FOL document (I think they're high-priority)

From: Benjamin Grosof ([email protected])
Date: 12/21/04

  • Next message: Peter F. Patel-Schneider: "Re: suggested edits on SWRL-FOL document (I think they're high-priority)"
    (sorry I didn't send these earlier, was on travel during the last two 
    telecons with poor wireless access during the trip)
    % suggested edits on SWRL-FOL document by Benjamin Grosof 12/21/04 early aft.
    % wrt the current version of the SWRL-FOL document, which is at:
    Hi folks,
    You may recall we've had quite a bit of discussion previously that it
    is important to make clear the relationship of SWRL-FOL to full FOL,
    to standard formulation(s) of FOL, and to FOL RuleML.
    This was also stressed by a number of the people giving feedback on
    SWRL-FOL at the DAML PI Meeting (including Mark Greaves).
    I find that the current version of the document does not yet
    make this clear enough.
    In particular, the title, the abstract, and the introduction do not make
    it clear enough.
    This motivates me to suggest the following edits.
    1. Title:
    A Proposal for a SWRL Extension towards First-Order Logic
    Comment:  This replaces "to" by "towards"
    2. Abstract:
    This is a description of a proposed extension of SWRL to handle 
    function-free unary/binary first-order logic. This is intended to be a 
    minimal extension that fits well with SWRL, OWL, and 
    RDF.  Transformation-based techniques to handle functions and n-ary 
    predicates are suggested in an appendix.
    Comment:  this adds the qualification "function-free" before "unary/binary 
    first-order logic", and adds a sentence explaining the appendix.
    3. Introduction:
    This document contains a proposal for an extension to the SWRL extension of 
    OWL [SWRL]. This proposal extends the set of OWL axioms to include an axiom 
    for arbitrary function-free first-order formula over unary and binary 
    predicates, interpreted in the usual manner. A high-level abstract syntax 
    is provided that extends the OWL abstract syntax described in the OWL 
    Semantics and Abstract Syntax document [OWL S&AS]. An extension of the SWRL 
    and OWL model-theoretic semantics is also given to provide a formal meaning 
    for OWL ontologies including formulae written in this abstract syntax.
    Comment:  this adds "function-free" before "first-order formula".
    Prof. Benjamin Grosof
    Web Technologies for E-Commerce, Business Policies, E-Contracting, Rules, 
    XML, Agents, Semantic Web Services
    MIT Sloan School of Management, Information Technology group or

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