RE: Joint Committee telecon today 10 August -- FOL RuleML adapted

From: Boley, Harold ([email protected])
Date: 08/10/04

  • Next message: Benjamin Grosof: "notes from today's 8/10/04 Joint Committee telecon on SWRL-FOL spec and workplans, and future of JC"
    > SWRL FOL proposals (all - 30 min)
    >   ...
    >   FOL RuleML [2]
    >   ...
    > [2]
    I adapted FOL RuleML so that the 'declare' and 'formula' roles can be
    Here is Peter's example using the modified FOL RuleML 0.7
    ( as part of the XML Concrete Syntax
    (thus updating
    <Assertion owlx:name="Example">
        <owlx:Label>Example Rule for Expository Purposes</owlx:Label>
          <ruleml:Var type="Person">x1</ruleml:Var>
          <ruleml:Var type="Parent">x2</ruleml:Var>
          <ruleml:Var type="Person">x3</ruleml:Var>
          <ruleml:Var type="xsd:int">x4</ruleml:Var>
    	  <swrlx:IndividualPropertyAtom swrlx:property="hasParent"> 
            <swrlx:IndividualPropertyAtom swrlx:property="hasBrother"> 
            <swrlx:DatatypePropertyAtom swrlx:property="hasAge"> 
    -- Harold

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