RE: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 3 August

From: Mike Dean ([email protected])
Date: 08/03/04

  • Next message: Wagner, G.R.: "Out of Office AutoReply:"
    > > future of the Joint Committee (all - 15 min)
    > I wonder if you can flesh this out a bit in e-mail?  Do you have idea
    > how long you'll be available to chair/host, or a vision for where the
    > JC should be going?
    My goal was primarily to get everyone starting to think about this topic
    this week.  Here are a few of my thoughts:
    Mark Greaves has indicated that DAML program participants shouldn't count on
    funding past September (the end of US Government Fiscal Year 2004), although
    a small amount of money will be available in GFY 2005.  Mark plans to finish
    the DAML program before he rotates out of DARPA in May 2005.  SWSI and other
    groups are preparing for potentially final deliverables in September.
    The Joint Committee is intentionally separate from the DAML program, but it
    affects a number of the participants.  Our infrastructure (mailing lists,
    telecons, etc.) are also provided by DAML.
    Some Joint Committee participants have been volunteering their effort all
    along and/or have other funding sources.
    The SWRL Submission to W3C was a good hand-off of our work to a future
    broader working group.  It would be good to have such a transition strategy
    for subsequent work including SWRL FOL.
    As of some appropriate date, we could choose to continue, declare victory
    and disband, or go into a "meet as needed"/hibernation mode.

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