RE: SWR/ RuleML rule names

From: Wagner, G.R. ([email protected])
Date: 07/20/04

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Joint Committee telecon today 20 July"
    > I think it is OK if an email with subject line xyz uses xyz jargon.
    No, it's not ok. The accceptable jargon depends on the addressees 
    of a message, not on its subject line.
    >> Again: the rule is the individual, and its label is its name
    >> but not another individual.
    > How does this rule-as-individual view transfer to a parameterized rule
    > labeled by a non-ground cterm?
    If for such a parameterized rule name "The meaning is that each 
    instance of the label gives a name to the corresponding instance 
    of the rule", then this is just a convenience feature for which
    there is a high price to pay: loosing the sense of an ordinary
    name/identifier. Since this is would be a special feature, it 
    should not be imposed on all rules and it would be preferable 
    to have an mandatory rule ID attribute and, in addition, an 
    optional label attribute.

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