my notes from today 3/9/04 JC telecon

From: Benjamin Grosof ([email protected])
Date: 03/09/04

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Joint Committee telecon today 16 March"
    % notes from JC telecon 3/9/04 % by Benjamin Grosof
    Mike Dean
    Benjamin Grosof
    Ian Horrocks
    Harold Boley
    Peter Patel-Schneider
    Sandro Hawke
    Gerd Wagner
    Pat Hayes (joined at 5pm)
    o benchmarking prospects
    need good problems
    need good dimensions to measure problems incl. for artificial generation
    generate artificial problems as a waystation
    wrt rules: can look at Prolog and RDBMS literature, their test suites
    - e.g., XSB, size of backend database, number of joins and how many bindings
    for each joined variable, complexity of queries
    Sandro:  e.g., Mercury wrt Prolog appears to have a dozen or so
    Ian:  there aren't good problems even for OWL alone with lots of instance data
    Mike:  see
    o planning for May and for Sept.
    Mike:  want another SWRL version with more on built-ins
    Benj:  there will be new effort on rules toolset in DAML, stay tuned
    REWERSE has a working group specifically on typing:  number I3
    led by Jan Maluszynki and (?) Uwe Assmann (see
    Ian:  there's a lot of fragmentation within, as well as between,
    KnowledgeWeb and REWERSE -- you could spend your whole life traveling to
    the meetings
    Mike:  want to finish builtins within next month; then
    should we get into nonmon?
    Benj:  I think we should get started on at least NAF and nonmon before
    the PI Meeting
    - is better understood theoretically than full SWRL actually
       . Gerd:  indeed SWRL proof theory not well understood
    Harold:  also can do closed-world modules
    Gerd:  adding nonmon to full SWRL will be tough
    another option for focus:  extensions towards first-order and Lloyd-Topor
    - is more straightforward
    - but is less compelling wrt use cases
    - related to SCL and DRS
    - propose we do our own first draft, then look at how relates to SCL and DRS
    - Ian:  SCL is a framework, more than is intended for efficient operations
    let's have some use cases too
    i.e., examples and implementation experience
    - this could be low hanging fruit
    - Benj:  this would feed well into new DAML Rules toolset effort,
    and be useful to people working on services and security
    looking at CLIPS, translating SWRL into it
    good opportunity there to use the mappings from SweetJess, so let's
    coordinate on that
    another desirable direction to do in parallel:  non-XML RDF syntax,
    perhaps Prolog-y or N3-y or KIF-y.
    presentation syntax / human-oriented string syntax
    - Benj and Harold:  yes, and nicely complements the tools/implementation
    overall goal:
    - be in a position to have good discussion of issues, plans for following
    months, info on tools/implementations and use-cases/examples/benchmarks
    Pat H.:
    wrt SCL:  the concept and abstract syntax and model-theoretic semantics
    is pretty stable, need some hammering out of XML syntax;
    hope readable draft by perhaps end of month
    how to coordinate with SWRL; it would be nice to make it very simple
    to implement translation between SWRL and SCL.
    what issues are there wrt that?
    issues include the following.
    SCL has only very generic/plain variable bindings;
    can type a quantifier only with an atom not a type, is very vanilla;
    also there is some provision for defining types, some hooks for that
    CL is moving again wrt becoming an ISO standard.
    Harry Delugash (spelling?) is in charge of putting it through ISO machinery,
    which takes a while, like 3 years.
    SCL is officially ad hoc, not directly trying to put it thru ISO.
    would it make sense to do it thru another standards body, e.g., Oasis which
    is relatively low overhead?
    Pat:  yes, perhaps; or W3C or OMG.
    how about making it a W3C submission?  would be good input for Rules WG there.
    sounds good, if someone can provide some guidance.
    would view it as a semantic reference language rather than specific to
    agenda for next week:  more on built-ins, Mike and Said and Pat will confer
    in prep.
    Prof. Benjamin Grosof
    Web Technologies for E-Commerce, Business Policies, E-Contracting, Rules, 
    XML, Agents, Semantic Web Services
    MIT Sloan School of Management, Information Technology group or

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