Re: reifying variables

From: Sandro Hawke ([email protected])
Date: 02/12/04

  • Next message: Peter F. Patel-Schneider: "Re: reifying variables"
    > > So SWRL makes no claim to get it right, which is okay, but of course
    > > this means it's not really an "RDF Concrete Syntax", it's an "RDF-Like
    > > Concrete Syntax."   Not so good.
    > Well, this is probably the best that can be done.
    In what way is it better to use an "RDF-Like" syntax?  That seems to
    me like the worst of both world -- all the syntactic beauty and
    convenience elegance of RDF/XML, plus all the standard-ness of the
    <blink> tag.
      -- sandro

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