notes from today's 12/09/03 JC telecon

From: Benjamin Grosof ([email protected])
Date: 12/09/03

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "datatype comparisons and arithmetic conversions"
    % notes from JC telecon 12/09/03
    % by Benjamin Grosof
    Mike Dean
    Benjamin Grosof
    Harold Boley
    Ian Horrocks
    Sandro Hawke
    Peter Patel-Schneider
    Deborah McGuinness
    o general news from W3C -- wrt SWRL feedback and formation of Rules WG,
    list discussion mode of www-rdf-rules tends to magnify any
    disagreements/criticisms; so far there don't appear to be
    major or widespread objections to SWRL
    punchline:  we need to keep proceeding, e.g., "with all deliberate speed"
    o plan for NO TELECONS on 12/23 and 12/30
    o next steps on SWRL
    - might actively solicit feedback from DAML'ers
       . wrt basic directions:
       . wrt more specifics:  tools and use cases would help
    - tools and use cases needed
       . e.g., use cases / examples work on rules for services
           by Benjamin, Said, Massimo Paolucci
       . e.g., tools work by
       . Benjamin on SweetRules with Andi Eberhart, Said, and (past by) Boris 
            expect new iteration of prototype in early 2004
       . Jena
       . JTP by Deborah
       . Hoolet by Dimitri Sarkov, Sean Bechhofer
    o datatype comparisons and arithmetic
    Q by Mike:  what's the best place to find specification of SCLP RuleML,
    including the EBNF syntax?
    A by Benj:  see paper on my website:  to appear in journal Electronic
    Commerce Research and Applications "Representing E-Commerce Rules
    Via Situated Courteous Logic Programs in RuleML";
    also see the EBNF syntax specifications posted to JC in about May 2003
    (discussion of naming issues wrt XML Schema;
    Peter had some points)
    discussion of sums, variable appearances within lists,
    aggregations (e.g., totals, averages), cwm limitations in that regard
    issue of closing off,
    named individuals vs. other (e.g., existential) individuals
    problem of indefiniteness interacting with aggregations
    Benj:  in database and logic programs literature, aggregations are well
    understood to be closely related to closing off in manner of
    negation as failure
    Ian:  we could push some of this into queries rather than premises;
    extend existing systems in that fashion
    Benj:  yes; but often is useful to define aggregates in premises,
    e.g., similar to materialized views in databases,
    (e.g., a Morningstar 5* fund is one that is top 10 percentile over the
    last 5 years);
    can do this in manner of logic programs with NAF/aggregations
    Prof. Benjamin Grosof
    Web Technologies for E-Commerce, Business Policies, E-Contracting, Rules, 
    XML, Agents, Semantic Web Services
    MIT Sloan School of Management, Information Technology group or

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