feedback from owl-s and swsl

From: Deborah L. McGuinness ([email protected])
Date: 12/04/03

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Re: feedback from owl-s and swsl"
    there is some input that we can get from both committees on rule use 
    case requirements, issues, etc.
    they asked where the best place was to provide input.
    shall i point people to sending to rdf-logic for feedback that they can 
    see publically discussed?
     Deborah L. McGuinness 
     Associate Director Knowledge Systems Laboratory 
     Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241 
     Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020 
     email: [email protected]
     (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)  801 705 0941

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