OWLP version 0.5 available from Bell Labs

From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 09/18/03

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 23 September"
    Version 0.5 of OWLP, a parser for OWL DL, is available at
    Navigating through the web site to get OWLP is a non-trivial endeavour,
    OWLP is available under the Lucent Public License, which allows just about
    any use.
    OWLP Version 0.5 correctly (modulo proposed minor changes to OWL)
    identifies all OWL DL and non-OWL DL documents in the current version of
    the OWL test suite
    OWLP Version 0.5 can also be used to transform an OWL DL document into the
    OWL abstract syntax.
    A newer version of OWLP, which should be available soon, correctly
    identifies the level of each OWL document in the current version of the OWL
    test suite.  This newer version preferentially transforms into OWL Lite
    wherever possible. 
    Peter F. Patel-Schneider
    Bell Labs Research

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