Re: notes by Benjamin from today's JC telecon on Rules Literequirements, expressiveness, work items, action plans, schedule

From: Harold Boley ([email protected])
Date: 08/09/03

  • Next message: Frank van Harmelen: "Re: notes by Benjamin from today's JC telecon on Rules Lite requirements, expressiveness, work items, action plans, schedule"
    Hi Benjamin and All,
    > issue: restrict to Datalog?  [Benj]
    > - binary Horn FOL with possibly further restrictions
    Binary Datalog is certainly a (modest) possibility.
    It's also one of the RuleML sublanguages:
    We defined it as a restriction of N-ary Datalog:
    Bindatalog is currently prefix or postfix:
    <!ELEMENT atom ((_opr, (ind | var), (ind | var))
                        | ((ind | var), (ind | var), _opr))>
    This could be extended to infix:
    <!ELEMENT atom ((_opr, (ind | var),       (ind | var))
                        | ((ind | var),       (ind | var), _opr))
                        | ((ind | var), _opr, (ind | var))>
    > Harold:  possible issue of essential expressive limitation arising from
    > combination of finite lists with binary relations
    > - may not be able to show the general case of the usual reduction of
    > n-ary to binary
    I actually meant the following:
    N-ary Datalog is closed w.r.t. bounded lists, since any
    argument aI containing a list of fixed length L can be
    'flattened' to a subsequence of L arguments (N=M+L-1):
    r(a1,...,[e1,...,eL],...,aM) --> r(a1,...,e1,...,eL,...,aM)
    This can be continued recursively, for any eJ that is
    again a bounded list, etc., down to a fixed depth D.
    The result of such flattening of a given KB utilizing
    "Datalog with bounded lists" still gives us an N-ary
    Datalog KB.
    (In practice 'bounded' means rest variables, like X
    in [e1,...,eL|X], are forbidden on all list levels.)
    A given binary Datalog KB, however, will not normally
    be N=2 after flattening.
    (I had exemplified a binary-to-ternary leap at the end of

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