minutes of 2/25/03 meeting

From: Benjamin Grosof ([email protected])
Date: 03/03/03

  • Next message: Ian Horrocks: "Re: what is a rule?"
    Minutes (rather summary in form) of the 2/25/03 telecon:
    discussion overall was of the use-cases and related requirements and 
    technical points
    transitive closure vs. transitivity :  ability to represent this in OWL, in 
    first-order, in logic programs, in higher-order classical logic; need for 
    what forms of these;  minimality of the closure is difficult to represent 
    completely in OWL
    what kind of rules:  how to formulate this as an issue
      -- computational framework and boundaries
    hierarchy of rule kinds:
    start with derivation rules and queries, then extend (unsequenced) to 
    reaction, transformation, and integrity constraints
    transformation vs. derivation rules:  to what extent can one be viewed as 
    the other
       -- can view derivation as reducible to a general kind of transformation 
    rule; but useful to treat these separately;
          useful kinds of transformation rules (use-cases), e.g., ontology 
    mappings, can be represented as derivation rules
    integrity constraints:   can view as a query; but also there's the issue of 
    enforcement or assertion that the constraint is satisfied,
       e.g., as in relational databases; and there's the issue of 
    transactionality, e.g., in updating a DB;
       transactional aspect is related to events too
    request from Stefan Decker:  please send integrity constraint use cases
       -- Pat:  RDF typing is an interesting area for this
    next JC telecon will be 3/11 not 3/4, due to the W3C Plenary
    Prof. Benjamin Grosof
    Web Technologies for E-Commerce, Business Policies, E-Contracting, Rules, 
    XML, Agents, Semantic Web Services
    MIT Sloan School of Management, Information Technology group
    http://ebusiness.mit.edu/bgrosof or http://www.mit.edu/~bgrosof

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