Re: Action Items

From: Harold Boley ([email protected])
Date: 02/15/03

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Joint Committee telecon today 18 February"
    Hi Stefan,
    > Harold: Pointing to rule classification in RuleML
    >              Sending example how rules could interact with XML
    1) RuleML is based on a Web Data Model Unifying XML and RDF:
    2) RuleML will use XML Schema, Part 2, Datatypes, as a basis
    for its built-ins. This will provide a RuleML-OWL bridge
    right at the foundational data level.
    3) RuleML rules can process XML elements encoded as cterms.
    The direct use of XML elements as terms would be possible via
    a kind of (Lisp-inspired) XML-quoting mechanism:
      . . .
    For allowing such terms in, say, the atomic formulas of the Horn-Logic
    RuleML Sublanguage (,
    the definition of atoms could be extended via "| quote", e.g. thus:
    <!ELEMENT atom ((_opr, (ind | var | cterm | quote)*) |
                          ((ind | var | cterm | quote)+, _opr))>
    However, for the quote child element we would need an extended DTD meta-
    syntax, e.g. of the form
    <!ELEMENT quote (#WFDATA)>
    expressing that quote contains Well-Formed DATA, which looks similar to
    <!ELEMENT quote (#PCDATA)>
    but specifies an arbitrary well-formed XML element that doesn't need
    to be valid w.r.t. any - more specific - DTD. (Instead of just a single
    wf XML element, we could also allow an entire forest of wf XML elements
    within such a quote element.)
    For example, a binary mirror fact over wf XML elements could be written
    in such a 'quoting' RuleML as follows:

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