Re: Action Items

From: pat hayes ([email protected])
Date: 02/12/03

  • Next message: Wagner, G.R.: "RE: Action Items"
    >Pat:     Sending his concerns about the notion of  "rules"
    This probably deserves a book, but I will try to summarize.
    Basically, I no longer know what this discussion is talking about, 
    since the word "rules" has become so all-encompassing as to be 
    effectively meaningless; it seems that any computation whatsoever can 
    be classified by a systems of 'rules' in some sense or other. So 
    "rules", "rule system", etc., have become simply words meaning 
    'computational specification' or 'program'.
    So what? Well, there are several consequences.
    First, admitting that this is so (if it in fact is) frees up the 
    discussion: to introduce "rules" it is not necessary to use something 
    that would be classified as a 'rules language', for example: any 
    computational formalism will do. Since in practice it is rather hard 
    to stop people writing code in their favorite programming language, 
    this would also have the effect of corresponding to social reality. 
    In fact, the overall picture that one is then left with is this: the 
    mechanisms available to the SW consist of content languages for 
    expressing and transmitting propositional content (RDF, DAML, OWL 
    etc) and code which is used to manipulate it. Any code, written in 
    any way anyone wants to. That is a free-for-all kind of picture which 
    I am reasonably happy with. It goes along with the 
    let-a-thousand-flowers-bloom kind of attitude in the W3C community, 
    which I find quite refreshing. However, if this is in fact the case, 
    then let us be open and honest about it. In particular, any 
    discussion of semantic relationships between the program code and the 
    content is then out of place, or at least should be conducted 
    entirely in terms of entailments in the semantics of the content 
    language, which need have no relationship whatever to the semantics, 
    if there is any, of the programming language used to specify the 
    processes which act on the content.
    Second, I have the impression - ignore this remark if this is a 
    mistaken impression - that some members feel that "rules" or maybe 
    "rule systems" comprise a(nother) distinctive fundamental approach 
    to, or paradigm for, computational descriptions, one that can perhaps 
    be classified with the Turing machine/sequential-instruction paradigm 
    or the OOP paradigm or the recursive-equations paradigm, and might be 
    seen as an extension or generalization of logic programming and 
    production rules. On this view, it is not entirely vacuous to claim 
    that 'rules' are an appropriate programming style for application to 
    the SW; but in this case, I would like to see this claim defended, as 
    I for one do not feel inclined to accept it, and certainly not 
    without some detailed discussion of the reasons for it and the claims 
    that this particular paradigm is supposed to have over many others. 
    Certainly it cannot claim to have wider influence or acceptability 
    than, say, OOP programming, so presumably the case must be based on 
    some perceived technical advantage. To make this case would require 
    that the nature of the paradigm be spelled out in more detail, so 
    that any technical case can be adequately evaluated. In particular, I 
    would want to know why the DAML committee is spending so much time on 
    this topic, which seems to have nothing particularly to do with DAML.
    Third, there seems to be a presumption that 'rules' are somehow 
    closer to logic than other programming paradigms. Words like 
    'assertional' were being used in the telecon discussion, for example, 
    with an approving tone of voice. But if the term "rule" is this wide 
    in its scope, then there is no particular relationship between rules 
    and logic at all, any more than between rules and numerical 
    simulation or rules and graphics programming.  Prolog is a perfectly 
    general-purpose programming language. So I would like to invite 
    anyone who feels that there is some special connection between 
    'rules' and logic, particularly SW logic, to spell this connection 
    out in enough detail that it can be examined critically.
    I think that the presumption of such a connection is based on a 
    series of historical misunderstandings.
    First, the word 'rule' is already used in logical metatheory but in 
    quite a different sense, as in 'inference rule'. It might be worth 
    expanding on this a little. The "rules" used in typical logic 
    programming systems - which can be loosely identified with Horn 
    clauses, let us suppose for the moment to simplify the discussion - 
    are like logical sentences, NOT logical inference rules. The thing in 
    a 'rule system' which corresponds most closely to a logical inference 
    rule would be the actual code of the unification algorithm and the 
    backward-chaining search process. Inference rules are not logical 
    statements: to identify them is a category error. (Lewis Carrol wrote 
    a famous imaginary dialog which illustrated the error over a century 
    ago, and it was considered a typical elementary student error even 
    then. )
    Second, the logic programming tradition has unfortunately confused 
    what is in fact a very clear semantic distinction. Contrary to 
    standard LP doctrine, logic programming is not logic. Programs are 
    not assertions, and algorithms are not logic plus control. I know 
    this goes against what Kowalski said; at the time I also said that, 
    but we were both wrong. The analogy is seductive but fundamentally 
    misleading, and it is misleading in a way that matters centrally to 
    the semantic web. What Kowalski should have said was, algorithms are 
    logic plus control modified by a closed-world assumption. This is why 
    I do not feel that logical programming should have any central place 
    in the SW technology, and why its presumptive claim to do so is based 
    on a semantic mistake.
    One can characterize the semantic distinction quite precisely and in 
    very general terms: Ask the question, is the domain of discourse of 
    the language required to satisfy the second recursion theorem (ie to 
    be closed under minimal fixed-points)? If so, the language is a 
    programming language of some kind, and it talks about domains which 
    are in some sense computable. If not, it is an assertional logic and 
    suffers from the expressive limitations enforced by Goedel's theorem. 
    This is a *fundamental* semantic distinction.  Logic is the latter; 
    logic programming, like all other programming, the former. 
    Closed-world assumptions, negation-by-failure and variety of other 
    nonmonotonic devices belong naturally in the former kind of semantics 
    framework, but are directly and fatally invalid in the latter. 
    Minimal model semantics belong naturally in the former but are 
    impossible to adequately formalize in the latter.
    So, are rule languages in the former or latter category? It seems 
    that some are in one (Horn clauses), some in another (Production 
    systems, logic programming). To me, this makes the broad 
    categorization of 'rule system' worthless and potentially dangerous, 
    since it blurs a centrally important semantic distinction.  Content 
    languages for the interchange of propositional content on the 
    semantic web cannot be restricted to computable domains; to do so 
    would be fatal for the intended uses.
    Fouth, while I am not opposed to attempts to classify kinds of 
    "rules" or to give a general characterization of what "rules" are or 
    are not, I do not see how any of this is centrally relevant to the 
    DAML committee or to the SWeb more generally. I wish enthusiasts of 
    the "rules" paradigm well, and am happy that "rules" interest groups, 
    working consortia, etc. are being formed, I guess; but I do not see 
    any particular reason why their business should be conducted in this 
    Amplifying this point, I think that there is an argument which has 
    been implicitly accepted which goes roughly as follows: OWL is not 
    expressive enough; it cannot express quite a lot of logical 
    statements, for example. In order to provide the needed expressivity, 
    we need to add the ability to express these 'missing' logical forms, 
    and that is what a Rules Language is for. On this view, then, Rules 
    are something like the next step on a process of discovery which aims 
    to creep up Tim's famous layer cake. The trouble with this idea is 
    that we do not need to inch along this slowly and carefully. That is 
    like using rock-climbing tools to walk along a highway: we know where 
    it goes, it has been bearing motorized traffic for years, there is no 
    need to pretend to explore it carefully. It leads to first-order 
    logic; and so why not just say this at once and stop pussyfooting 
    around? On *this* view of "rules" , note, they really are just Horn 
    clauses. They are not logic programs or a new paradigm for 
    computation; they are not inference rules or production systems or 
    anything else: they do not involve minimal model semantics or closed 
    worlds or negation by failure. Their semantics is Tarskian, simple, 
    obvious and thoroughly understood, and they are part of the content 
    language, not code for manipulating the content language. If this is 
    what "rules" are, then I have no problem with them, but there is no 
    need for us to spend time to define them; they are already defined.
    So, it seems to me, either "Rules" refers to a rather small thing 
    which is already done, and which we can simply agree on, stop 
    discussing and then move forward; or else it refers to something so 
    big and so underdefined as to be useless and more of a distraction 
    than of utility; or else it needs to be defined, and argued for, much 
    more carefully than I have seen so far.
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