Re: RuleML -> RDF

From: Harold Boley ([email protected])
Date: 11/09/02

  • Next message: pat hayes: "RE: Slides "RuleML Meets RDF" for today's Joint Committee telecon and RDF's bNodes"
    > (Harold, you mentioned that you had replied to my message from last
    > week about coming up with a single unified XML & RDF/XML syntax, but I
    > haven't seen it.  It is perhaps superceded by last night's discussion
    > and this message.)
    I guess you mean this message you sent to Benjamin and I on 30 Oct 2002:
    > ... continuing up on my comment on the phone yesterday, during the JC
    > meeting.
    > My thought is this: you may be able to pick a syntax which is both
    > valid RDF/XML and not too ugly for normal XML use.   Mostly this
    > involves throwing in some rdf:parsetype attributes.  It's a kind of
    > middle ground which RSS and some other standards flirting with XML and
    > RDF try.   The RDF folks like having RDF, but they have to stick to
    > one exact form of it.  The XML folks like having XML, but they have to
    > put in these weird & silly attributes sometimes.
    > It's hard for me to be more precise without examples, and I'm not sure
    > which examples would be the best ones.  
    > (This is odd -- usually I'm the guy arguing you should just have
    > multiple concrete syntaxes for one abstract syntax.)
    I mentioned on 5 Nov 2002 that I'll come back to your email once I had a
    chance to better understand rdf:parsetype. After looking into previous
    rdf:parsetype uses I now think this could well be some parallel effort
    but hardly replace the wide-spread XML syntax.
    The RuleML 0.8 XML syntax, which integrates the XML and RDF data models
    (, is useful as the source
    from which a pure-RDF RuleML syntax can be generated -- in the tradition
    of our XSLT-based translator from the pure-XML RuleML 0.7 to a pure-RDF
    RuleML (
    The slides "RuleML Meets RDF" (,
    12 Nov 2002: contain examples
    of the XML-RDF-integrating RuleML 0.8 and of a pure RDF RuleML.
    > Thanks for the presentation yesterday.  I had to leave about 5:05
    > EST, before the meeting actually ended.  I imagine I missed the most
    > interesting comments; were any decisions made?
    No, but very valuable feedback was obtained from several JC members.
    > Despite my experience doing very similar work, I'm still impressed by
    > how tedious both the XML and the RDF/XML serialization are. I had to
    > remind myself that this is like looking at the assembly-language
    > output of a compiler: it's important to get right, and then no one but
    > tool-builders should ever have to see it again.
    Well, the markup provides extra information about the syntactic categories
    of logic (sub)formulas (e.g., RuleML's *type* of an atom for atomic formulas)
    and their unordered-labeled or ordered-unlabeled occurrences in superformulas
    (e.g., RuleML's unordered-labeled *role* of a _head for formulas occurring as
    conclusions). The markup thus serializes *syntax trees*, which for RuleML 0.8
    are actually *abstract* syntax trees with RDF-property-like role labels as
    selectors and XML-child/RDF-Seq-like ordered branches as tuple constructors.
    Besides the 'discount' example in the slides, let's look at the 'own'-rule
    variations at :
    * The variation T6/X6, closest to a pure-RDF RuleML syntax, is indeed a bit
    lengthy, but its RDF Seq containers confine XML-like positional (ordered)
    children to the minimum. (Similarly, T7/X7 uses a tup type to put an n-ary
    argument sequence into a single argument, which is legal in RuleML 0.8.)
    * The variation T1/X1 corresponds to the pure-XML RuleML 0.7.
    * The variation T3/X3 corresponds to RuleML 0.8, which employs RDF-like role
    labels exactly where they prevent order overspecification (which arbitrarily
    puts a non-positional type into the child order) and uses the natural XML
    child order instead of RDF's Seq containers.
    > With that in mind, maybe using a single, canonical RDF/XML
    > serialization, no matter how hideous it's likely to be, would be
    > best.
    See above.
    > (I'm imagining an RDF/XML serialization which is constrained
    > to specific choices about use of type-nodes, etc, so that it's
    > amenable to processing by XSLT and other non-RDF tools.  I assume
    > that's important to your user base.)
    (Such constraints may be hard to maintain across all intermediate tools
    that are involved in rule exchange, so that XSLT-like processing -- central
    to RuleML's canonical-language mission -- may become quite difficult.)
    > I'd love to see you follow the convention of uppercase names for
    > classes and lowercase names for predicates; I find it makes the
    > striped syntax much more readable.
    This has been used in RDF RuleML. Since the case-dependent interpretation
    of file names across operating systems and/or for variable names across
    programming languages has been a frequent source of errors, we introduced
    another convention for the distinction of types and roles in the XML-RDF-
    integrating RuleML.
    > You seem to be trying to have the
    > RDF/XML syntax look like the XML syntax with a few added bits; I don't
    > see much reason for that; either think in XML or think in
    > graph-syntax.
    In the markup it is this 'bit':
    Tag name *without* an underscore prefix, e.g. atom:  Type
    Tag name *with* an underscore prefix,   e.g. _head:  Role
    In the abstract syntax trees it is:
    Node label:  Type
    Arc label:   Role
    > Can we get rid of ruleml:cdata, and just map the non-RDF RuleML
    > identifiers into RDF identifiers?   In your slide 11 ("striped
    > serialization"), instead of
    >    <rel ruleml:cdata="discount"/>
    > one could use
    >    <rel href="&someNameapce;discount"/>
    RuleML's names for (variables, individual constants, ..., and) relations
    like discount sit directly below a type such as (var, ind, ..., and) rel.
    The corresponding literals in RDF are, however, reached by a property/role.
    The attribute ruleml:cdata is just to move a name from the former to the
    latter position. We had earlier called it ruleml:name. Any better proposal
    is very welcome.
    > This does require the "ur" logics to be understood, though; perhaps
    > that's an unacceptable burden.   Some provision (probably using
    > %-escaping) would also be needed for non-URI-char names).
    As I mentioned in the telecon, the attribute href is currently used to
    refer to any resource, unspecifically, while rdf:resource was proposed
    to refer to an RDFS class. This is very preliminary. In the telecon,
    Peter and Pat proposed that some ruleml:attribute be used instead of
    rdf:resource; for Ora rdf:resource seemed OK, unless it parses as RDF.
    > My big question (was this addressed after I left?) is Benjamin's
    > original one: is RuleML the right starting point for RDF Rules (aka
    > DAML Rules)?   Personally, I'm waffling over whether its additional
    > complexity is desirable or not.  It's hard to know.
    As discussed above, RuleML's markup / abstract syntax trees provide extra
    information about syntactic categories. If you don't want to see this and
    don't need to be in XML, use a compact concrete syntax such as pure Prolog
    or N3.
    > A simpler approach might be something like having XML tags <Rule>,
    > <if>, and <then>, and inside the "if" and "then" clauses one can put
    > arbitrary RDF/XML (aka DAML).
    Actually, we started in such a top-down fashion to also permit semiformal
    rules (
    > There would also need to be a way to
    > mark variables, and to convince people it's okay to use RDF/XML in
    > this quoted (not asserted) manner.  TimBL suggested parsetype="quote"
    > for this, which would the whole thing RDF again, except for indicating
    > variables.  (In this case, we need to indicate both existential
    > variables and universal variables if we want Horn expressivity; we
    > have no functions, but we can de-Skolemize the functions into
    > expressions using existentials scoped to the consequent.)
    Perhaps we could collaborate on aligning use cases in RuleML, DAML+OIL,
    and OWL as well as in N3 and this 'parsetype-RDF' to see where possible
    advantages and limitations of each of these approaches may be? Similarly,
    tools such as rule editors, translators, and engines could be compared.

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