RE: Slides "RuleML Meets RDF" for today's Joint Committee telecon and RDF's bNodes

From: Boley, Harold ([email protected])
Date: 11/05/02

  • Next message: Sandro Hawke: "RuleML -> RDF"
    in the telecon the same issue was brought up. Currently RuleML doesn't have
    particular representation for RDF's bNodes. We briefly discussed using
    anonymous logical variables, empty or gensymed URIs, or an explicit
    Looking at the RDF Model Theory edited by Pat, we are still open to various
    possibilities for "simply indicating the existence of a thing, without
    or saying anything about, the name of that thing"
    It now is clear to me that anonymous logical variables are no solution,
    they are universally, not existentially, interpreted in facts. For example,
    "bNode001   has creator   Ora Lassila"
    cannot be represented as the Prolog fact ("_" indicates an anonymous Prolog
    has-creator(_,"Ora Lassila").
    or the RuleML fact ("<var/>" indicates an anonymous RuleML variable)
        <ind>Ora Lassila</ind>
    because it would mean that Ora created everything, e.g. making queries like
    has-creator("","Ora Lassila").
        <ind href=""/>
        <ind>Ora Lassila</ind>
    wrongly succeed.
    I now think RDF's bNodes are more akin to some of the many uses of null
    values in
    relational databases or, perhaps, closer to RDF, in object-relational
    A quick Google search revealed a related remark in "Topic Maps and RDF"
    Null values are absent from Prolog, but in Dagstuhl discussions with Jens
    ( we thought they would be important in
    anyway (he is working on RuleML extensions for relational databases).
    So, to leave open the thing created we could assert
    ("<ind/>" would indicate a RuleML null value of type 'individual')
        <ind>Ora Lassila</ind>
    Yet, this would not give us the local existential scope of RDF's bNodes.
    We hope our analysis of the RDF Model Theory will lead to a good solution
    RuleML bNodes as well.
    Perhaps we should also have a closer look at eigenvariables in Lambda-Prolog
    Maybe we can even learn something here from the discussion of the "line of
    in Charles Sanders Peirce's Existential Graphs
    Ultimately, we may need explicit (existential) quantifiers for glueing
    a conjunction (or a rulebase) of facts.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dan Brickley [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: November 5, 2002 4:54 PM
    To: Boley, Harold
    Cc: '[email protected]'
    Subject: Re: Slides "RuleML Meets RDF" for today's Joint Committee
    One question re:
    	"RDF triples become special binary facts where the relation and
    	argument must be urirefs, and the second argument can be urirefs or
    Does RuleML have any particular representation for RDF's bNode (aka
    'anonymous' or un-named resource) construction?
    On Tue, 5 Nov 2002, Boley, Harold wrote:
    > Hi folks,
    > attached are the slides "RuleML Meets RDF" for today's Joint
    > Committee telecon.
    > Please, if possible, have them in PPT 2000 presentation mode
    > so I can go over them in the 30 minutes allocated by Mike.
    > Harold
    >  <<ruleml-rdf.ppt>>

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