Re: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 17 September

From: Lassila Ora (NRC/Boston) ([email protected])
Date: 09/18/02

  • Next message: Peter F. Patel-Schneider: "Re: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 17 September"
    Related to our discussion yesterday about including/importing: I wanted to
    stress the fact that although things like complete reasoning are different
    from things like whether some file can be accessed at some particular time
    on the web, we (the Joint Committee) should be designing our things
    (representation languages, query languages, rule languages, etc.) in such a
    manner that the nasty eventualities of the web can be dealt with.
    If we do not take the architecture and the realities of the World Wide Web
    into account, we are not doing anything really new. Then our work becomes
    "just" KR. And furthermore, I believe that in order for us to be successful
    in furthering the Semantic Web, dealing with these details is a strong
    I am not suggesting that we fully immerse ourselves in the problems and
    issues of distributed, asynchronous systems and communication protocols, but
    I am suggesting that whatever we do has to make life with distributed
    processing easier. Given that our stuff gets built and lives on top of many
    earlier web standards, we can take full advantage of these if we expose some
    of their features (HTTP caching rules for example come to mind).
    I'll get off the soapbox now...
        - Ora
    P.S. It seems that I always wake up when someone uses the words "RDF" and
    "stupidity" in the same sentence :-)
    Ora Lassila  mailto:[email protected]
    Research Fellow, Nokia Research Center
    Chief Scientist, Nokia Venture Partners
    Mike Dean <[email protected]> wrote:
    > We'll have our weekly telecon tomorrow (September 17) from
    > 4-5pm EDT, 1-2pm PDT, and corresponding times in other
    > locations.
    > The dial-in numbers are
    > U.S.:  866-779-0774
    > outside U.S.:  +1-334-309-0263
    > After dialing, enter *7289913* (including stars)
    > If you're asked, the chairperson is Mike Dean
    > A parallel logged IRC session will be available on the
    > #joint-committee channel at (see
    > for the server password).
    > Below is a draft agenda; additions are welcome.
    >     Mike
    > agenda updates/additions
    > announcements
    > minutes deferred
    > DQL feedback (Richard, et al - 20 minutes)
    > possible DQL papers (Richard, et al - 20 minutes)
    > daml:imports?
    > next week
    > Description Rules update?
    > DAML PI Meeting presentation plans

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