Re: telecon today?

From: pat hayes ([email protected])
Date: 07/17/02

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Re: telecon today?"
    >Do you expect to send an updated DQL document to the list
    Sorry, Mike. I had it written by Saturday but I couldnt get through 
    to my home base. Apparently someone backhoed an optic fiber 
    cable....And yesterday I was travelling back to Florida.
    Informal DQL Specification
    DAML Joint Committee Richard Fikes, Pat Hayes, Ian Horrocks, editors
    June 12, 2002
    1. Overview
    DQL is a formal language and protocol for posing queries from a 
    querying agent (which we refer to as the "client") to an answering 
    agent (which we refer to as the "server").  A DQL query contains a 
    "query pattern" that is a collection of DAML+OIL sentences in which 
    some literals and/or urirefs have been replaced by variables. An 
    answer to the query provides bindings of terms to some of these 
    variables such that the answer sentence - produced by applying the 
    bindings to the query pattern and considering the remaining variables 
    in the query pattern to be existentially quantified - is entailed by 
    a knowledge base called the "answer KB".
    Each binding in a query answer is a uri-ref or a literal that either 
    explicitly occurs as a term in the answer KB or is a term in 
    DAML+OIL.  That is, DQL is designed for answering queries of the form 
    "What uri-refs and literals from the answer KB and DAML+OIL denote 
    objects that make the query pattern true?" We note that this does not 
    require servers to generate existential conclusions from 'implicit' 
    knowledge in order to answer queries.
    Variables in queries may be designated as "must bind" or "may bind" 
    variables. Answers are required to provide bindings for all "must 
    bind" variables, and may provide bindings for "may bind" variables. 
    Queries may optionally provide or require information about the 
    knowledge based used to answer the query and impose constraints on 
    the dynamics of the answering process. Answers provided by the server 
    must conform to these requirements, but a server may restrict its 
    answers to certain classes of query pattern,  to a certain class of 
    knowledge bases, or to a limited range of bindings.
    A single query may have one, none or several answers. The set of all 
    answers provided by the server in response to a query is called the 
    "response set" of that query. Not all the answers in the response set 
    need be produced at once: in general, answers will be delivered in 
    groups. A query may specify an upper bound on the number of answers 
    that are delivered in a single group.
    The set of DAML assertions which are used by the server in answering 
    a query is referred to as the "answer KB". This may be an actual 
    knowledge base (or a finite set of knowledge bases) or it may be a 
    virtual entity representing the total information available to the 
    server at the time of answering; however, all servers are required to 
    be able to provide a reference to a resource representing the answer 
    KB. We will assume that such a reference to an answer KB has the form 
    of a uriref; in many cases this may be a URL which can be used to 
    access the KB or communicate with the server, but this is not 
    required. A DQL query contains an "answer KB expression" which is 
    either a variable or a reference to a KB. If the answer KB expression 
    in a query is a reference to a KB, then all answer sentences of 
    answers in the response set must be entailed by that KB. If it is a 
    variable, then the server is free to select or to generate an answer 
    KB, but if the variable is "must bind" then the answer must provide a 
    binding to this variable which references the answer KB. 
    DQL specifies a core set of protocol elements that are to be used by 
    a client to obtain query answers from a server.  Specifically, DQL 
    specifies that a client initiates a query-answering dialogue with a 
    server by sending the server a DQL query.  The server is expected to 
    respond by sending answers to the client one or more at a time along 
    with a server continuation that is either a process handle which the 
    client can use to request additional answers, or one or more tokens 
    indicating that the server will not provide any more answers to the 
    query. A process handle is an atomic entity with no internal 
    structure visible to the client; its role is only to allow the server 
    to record the state of its answer search. The token can be 'none', 
    meaning that the server is claiming that there are no further answers 
    entailed by the answer KB, or 'end', meaning that the server is 
    making no claims as to whether there are more answers entailed by the 
    answer KB. Other token values may be allowed, but in all cases it is 
    required that a token be clearly distinguishable from a process 
    handle.  No attempt is made here to specify a complete inter-agent 
    protocol (e.g., with provisions for time-outs, error handling, 
    resource budgets, etc.).  Query answering servers are required to 
    support the specified core protocol elements and are not constrained 
    by the DQL specification as to how additional protocol functionality 
    is provided.
    2. Detailed specification
    The client initiates a dialog with the server by sending a query. The 
    typical response is a bundle of answers plus a server continuation 
    which can be send back by the client to the server. On receiving a 
    server continuation, the server responds similarly until the 
    continuation in the response is a termination token. The set of all 
    answers in all groups sent from the server to the client between the 
    query and the termination token is the response set of the query.
    A DQL query necessarily includes:
    >>  a query pattern, which is a collection of DAML+OIL sentences in 
    >>which some of the literals and urirefs have been replaced by 
    >>  an answer KB pattern, which is either a single variable or a 
    >>reference to a KB;
    >>  an indication of which of the variables in the patterns are "must 
    >>bind" or "may bind" variables. No variable can be both "must bind" 
    >>and "may bind". 
    A DQL query may also optionally include:
    >>  a query premis, which is either a DAML+OIL KB or a reference to a 
    >>KB.  When a query premise is specified, the sentences in the query 
    >>premise are considered to be included in the answer KB. This option 
    >>is intended to facilitate if-then queries while still remaining 
    >>within the expressiveness of DAML+OIL.  Omitting the query premis 
    >>is equivalent to providing an empty query premis. 
    >>  a justification request. A DQL query can optionally include a 
    >>request for a justification for each query answer.  (This option is 
    >>noted here for future reference but no further details are 
    >>provided, and servers may ignore this part of a query.  The content 
    >>and structure of a justification for a query answer has not yet 
    >>been designed.  The intent is to specify various types of 
    >>justifications that can be requested in a query. Examples of 
    >>justification range from the set of sentences used to derive the 
    >>answer ('set of support') to a complete proof or derivation of the 
    >>answer in some proof-theoretic framework.) 
    >>  an answer bundle size bound, which is a positive nonzero number. 
    >>Omitting the answer bundle size bound effectively sets it to 
    An answer to a query must contain:
    >>a binding of a uriref or a literal to each of the "must bind" and 
    >>zero or more of the "may bind" variables which satisfies the 
    1. A variable in the answer KB pattern is bound to a reference to the 
    answer KB;
    2. All variables in the query pattern are bound to terms which occur 
    in the DAML+OIL language or in the answer KB;
    3. The answer KB entails the answer sentence got by replacing all 
    variables in the query pattern which are bound in the answer by their 
    bindings, and replacing all other variables by new RDF blank nodes.
    >>the query to which it is the answer;
    >>a reference to the server which produced the answer.
    In addition, an answer may contain:
    >>An answer justification. All justifications should conform the 
    >>justification request in the query.
    Answer bundle
    An answer bundle is a finite set of answers plus a tag consisting of 
    either a server continuation or one or more termination termination 
    tokens. The number of answers in an answer bundle given in response 
    to a query must not exceed the answer bundle size bound in the query, 
    if present.
    Server continuations are atomic entities with no internal structure 
    visible to the client. A server must continue the answering process 
    when sent a server continuation by sending back another answer 
    bundle. Servers should encode sufficient information in the server 
    continuation to enable them to continue the answering dialog even if 
    they have been engaged in other activities since sending the previous 
    answer bundle. Every dialog should terminate after a finite number of 
    exchanges of server continuations and answer bundles between the 
    client and server. A dialog is said to have terminated when the 
    server sends a bundle containing a termination token. If a server is 
    sent a termination token as a server continuation, the server should 
    reply with a bundle containing no answers and the same termination 
    token, thereby terminating the dialog.
    Clients must be able to distinguish termination tokens from server 
    continuations. Termination tokens may be used to convey information 
    about the response set; in particular, two termination tokens have 
    fixed meanings. The token "end" simply means that the server is 
    unable to deliver any further answers, but makes no claim of 
    completeness. The token "none" indicates that the answer KB does not 
    entail any other answers not in the response set. We note that the 
    use of the "none" token should be restricted to those cases where the 
    server is able to make a positive affirmation that no other answers 
    exist, i.e. to provide a guarantee that there are no other possible 
    bindings to the query variables which would produce an answer 
    sentence that would be entailed by the answer KB. Other termination 
    tags may also be used, but the "end" tag is the recommended way to 
    indicate termination of a question-answering dialog.
    There is no provision in DQL for a query to indicate an upper bound 
    on the total number of answers in a dialog, but a client can 
    terminate a question-answering dialog at any time by sending the 
    "end" token as a server continuation, or simply by not requesting any 
    further continuations.
    Response Set
    While there are no global requirements on a response set other than 
    that all its members are correct answers, it is recommended that 
    servers ensure that answer bundles do not contain duplicate or 
    redundant answers, i.e. answers which are subsumed by other answers. 
     One answer subsumes another if it is like the second answer but 
    binds more variables. 
    Servers which are able to guarantee that each answer bundle in a 
    dialog contains no answers that are redundant with any answers given 
    earlier in the dialog can be called "non-repeating". Servers which 
    are able to guarantee that their response sets contain no redundant 
    or duplicate answers can be called "terse" or "non-verbose".  Servers 
    which are able to guarantee that their response sets will be 
    correctly terminated with "none" can be called "complete".  
    The answer set of a query is the largest set of answers which are 
    entailed by the answer KB and none of which are entailed by any other 
    answer. Notice that this definition is semantic rather than 
    operational. A complete server is one whose response set contains the 
    answer set of the query. A terse complete server is one whose 
    response set is precisely the answer set of the query.
    For some KBs it may be impossible to implement a terse complete 
    server for all query patterns.
    3. Other Issues
    Restricted query patterns
    The above specification of query pattern allows for arbitrary 
    patterns of variable replacement in DAML expressions. Particular 
    servers, however, may restrict themselves to particular such query 
    patterns, or provide guarantees of giving meaningful answers only 
    when given particular kinds of query pattern. To allow for such cases 
    we introduce the notion of a query class, defined simply as a class 
    of patterns. Server specifications may refer to any well-defined 
    query pattern restriction and define their performance, in the terms 
    of this standard, to the case where all references to a query pattern 
    are understood to refer to only to query patterns in that class.
    If a server accepts only query patterns in a certain class, it is 
    said to "apply to" that class; the notions of completeness and 
    terseness may also be relativized to queries of a certain class, when 
    stating the conformance of a server to this specification.
    For example, one class of query patterns might be those of one of the forms:
    ?x rdf:type CCC .
    ?x daml:subClassOf ?y .
    where CCC is some DAML class expression, or of the form
    ?x PPP ?y .
    where PPP is some DAML property expression other than those used in 
    RDF(S) or DAML+OIL syntax.
    When performance is defined relative to a query class, the 
    termination token 'none' should *not* be used to mean 'none relative 
    to the class'. To avoid confusion, the use of other termination 
    tokens, each with a meaning defined relative to the particular class, 
    is required.
    Future versions of this specification may define particular query 
    classes and corresponding termination tokens.
    "How Many" Queries
    The language and protocol contains no explicit constructs for asking 
    how many (or how many more) answers there are to a given query. 
    Defining what is meant by "how many" is problematic in that there can 
    be multiple bindings for a given distinguished variable that all 
    denote the same object in the domain of discourse, so that how many 
    answer bindings there are for a given distinguished variable will in 
    general differ from how many answer objects in the domain of 
    discourse that variable can denote.  The core protocol could 
    reasonably be extended to support "how many" queries, where "how 
    many" means how many answers containing distinct sets of bindings can 
    the server produce.  The difficulty of a server determining how many 
    answers it can produce to a query without actually producing the 
    answers has been the primary rationale for not including a "how many" 
    construct in the query language.
    Inability to respond to queries
    Servers are not required to deliver answers to queries. Under various 
    circumstances, a query may be phrased in a form which makes it 
    impossible for a server to respond with any answers; for example, if 
    the query specifies an answer KB which the server is unable to access 
    or use, or where no bindings are available for "must bind" variables. 
    Under these circumstances, the server should terminate the dialog 
    with a bundle containing no answers and an appropriate termination 
    tag or tags, one of which should be 'end'.
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