short paper on DAML-Rules as background for tomorrow's Joint Committee telecon

From: Benjamin Grosof ([email protected])
Date: 05/20/02

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Joint Committee telecon today 21 May"
    Towards DAML-Rules:
    How to Combine Rules with Description Logic Ontologies cf. DAML+OIL
    Benjamin Grosof
    MIT Sloan School of Management
    [email protected]
    Version 1   5/20/2002
    1. Introduction (also serves as Abstract)
    In this short working paper, we give an overview of how to combine
    Declarative Logic Program rules (LP) cf. RuleML rules with Description
    Logic (DL) ontologies cf. DAML+OIL (  We mainly
    consider rules that are Declarative Logic Programs (LP) cf. RuleML
    ( and;
    however, the discussion also applies to classical-logic rules (Horn or
    expressive superset).  There are actually several different
    fundamental ways to combine rules with DL/DAML+OIL ontologies.  The first is to
    build rules on top of ontologies.  The second is to specify an
    ontology for rule syntax.  The third is to use LP rules to specify
    restricted DL-form ontology knowledge.  The fourth is, conversely, to
    use DL ontology to specify restricted LP-form rule knowledge.  The
    third and fourth rely upon the fact that DL and LP have a substantial
    expressive overlap.
    Note that, alternatively, one could perform these same combinations, of
    rules with DL/DAML+OIL, if instead a classical-logic language is employed to
    specify rules in lieu of LP/RuleML, e.g., if one employs an expressive
    subset of First-Order-Logic/KIF/CommonLogic that includes Horn rules.
    This overview provides a basis, in both theory and applications, for
    designing DAML-Rules, i.e., a rule KR (syntax and semantics) for
    DAML (  Any subset of these four combinations
    can be used.  We propose that DAML-Rules be constructed and explored
    with an emphasis roughly in the sequence we gave for the combinations:
    first, enable rules to be on top of ontologies, and develop application
    scenarios; then, specify a DAML+OIL ontology for rules syntax and provide
    tools for specifying rules in that syntax; finally, explore theory
    and examples of using the expressive overlap of LP and DL.
    The reason for this sequencing is primarily pragmatic.  Existing
    implemented rule systems are most easily modified initially by simply
    adding the capability for predicates to be URI's, to couple them
    loosely to DAML+OIL inference engines and knowledge bases.  Then a
    precise specification can be developed for a DAML+OIL ontology of
    rules and parsing/translation tools developed to talk to existing
    implemented rule systems and DAML+OIL.  More theory is needed about
    using the expressive overlap of LP and DL.  Importantly,
    applications prospects and industry legacy both demand especially the
    combination of rules on top of ontologies.
    A longer version of this paper will contain formal knowledge
    representation semantics (and associated theory) for these combinations.
    2. Combination #1:  "Rules On Top of Ontologies"
    The first way to combine rules with ontologies is to "build rules on
    top of ontologies", i.e., to specify rules, e.g., in RuleML, using one
    or more domain ontologies specified in Description Logic (DL), e.g., in
    DAML+OIL.  This is one kind of "KR-fusion" between LP and DL.
    2.1 Approach
    In this approach, a class from the DL ontology is treated as a unary
    predicate that may appear in the rules.  Likewise, a property from the
    DL ontology is treated as a binary predicate that may appear in the
    rules.  Assertions about instances in a class are treated as rule
    atoms (e.g., facts) in which the class predicate appears.  Assertions
    about property links between class instances are treated as rule atoms
    in which the property predicate appears.
    A first version of this approach has been done, in which RuleML
    rulesets are (each) built on top of (one or more) DAML+OIL ontologies.
    This is described in the submitted working paper "Representing Agent
    Contracts with Exceptions using XML Rules, Ontologies, and Process
    Descriptions" by B. Grosof and T. Poon, available at  RuleML permits a predicate
    symbol (or a logical function symbol) to be a URI; we make heavy use
    of this capability since the names of DAML+OIL classes are URI's.  (To
    our knowledge, ours is the first published description and example of
    such integration of DAML+OIL into RuleML.)  The approach has been
    implemented, and the prototype (part of SweetDeal) will soon be
    publicly available.
    This approach is used for an application interesting in itself: to
    represent rule-based e-contracts in which some provisions specify how
    to handle exceptions (problematic conditions that may arise).  Two
    ontologies about business processes are used.  The first (sp.daml) is
    a new DAML+OIL representation of a fragment of the MIT Process
    Handbook, a previously-existing large taxonomic ontology of business
    processes that has been used for a number of serious industry design
    efforts in business process automation.  The second ontology (sd.daml)
    is an entirely new DAML+OIL ontology about contracts and exceptions
    and exception handlers, which complements the first ontology.  ("sp"
    stands for "SweetProcess", and "sd" for "SweetDeal".)
    2.2 Examples
    Next we give an excerpt from that paper (p. 12 there) containing an
    example.  For concise human-readability, the rules are written in a
    Prolog-like text-file syntax which straightforwardly translates to
    RuleML. "//" prefixes a comment line, "<...>" encloses a label/name
    for a rule, "{...}" encloses a subset/module of rules, ";" indicates
    the end of a rule.  URI's, for DAML+OIL classes or properties, are
    used as predicates.
    "Merely detecting late delivery is not enough; the buyer also wants to
    get a penalty (partial refund) if late delivery occurs.  Continuing
    our example, we next give a rules module to specify a penalty of $200
    per day late, via an exception handler process lateDeliveryPenalty.
    Again, this handler is itself rule-based.
    lateDeliveryPenalty_module {
    // lateDeliveryPenalty is an instance of PenalizeForContingency
    //   (and thus of AvoidException, ExceptionHandler, and Process) ;
    // Any late delivery exception ?EI can be (potentially) handled by
    //   lateDeliveryPenalty, which might (i.e., is intended to) avoid it.
    <penaltyHandlesIt_def(?EI)>,lateDeliveryPenalty) <- ;, ?EI) <- ;
    // penalty = - overdueDays * 200 ; (negative payment by buyer)
    <lateDeliveryPenalty_def> payment(?R, contingentPenalty, ?Penalty) <-,?R) AND,?EI) AND,lateDeliveryPenalty) AND
       shippingDate(co123,?CODate) AND shippingDate(?R,?RDate) AND
       Subtract(?RDate,?CODate,?OverdueDays) AND
       Multiply(?OverdueDays, 200, ?Res1) AND Multiply(?Res1, -1, ?Penalty) ;
    3. Combination #2:   "Ontology of Rule Syntax"
    The second way to combine rules with ontologies is to specify an
    "ontology of rule syntax", i.e., to use Description Logic, e.g.,
    DAML+OIL, to specify a "meta-ontology" for rules, e.g., for RuleML.
    3.1 Approach
    In this approach, an ontology is given for the rule language itself.
    E.g., "Rule", "Head", "Body", "Atom", "Predicate", and "Ruleset"
    are each a DL class.  The ontology is thus essentially a specification of the
    syntax of the rule language.  We can thus say it is an ontology for the
    rule KR's syntax, or that is a *syntactic ontology* for the rule KR.
    A first version of this approach has been done, in which DAML+OIL is
    used to give a syntactic ontology for the RuleML.  This is described
    in the submitted working paper "SweetJess: Translating DamlRuleML To
    Jess" by B. Grosof, M. Gandhe, and T. Finin, available at, and the full ontology is at  (Warning: the full
    ontology is an early version which is somewhat rough and buggy.)
    Implementation of a translator to various rule systems including Jess
    is in progress.
    3.2 Examples
    Next, we give a reformatted excerpt from that paper (p. 5 there)
    containing examples of DAML+OIL class specifications for elements of
    RuleML syntax.
    "*********** DAML+OIL Class for an Individual in RuleML *****************
    <daml:Class  rdf:ID="Ind">
           <rdfs:comment>Ind stands for Individual.
                         It is a 0-ary logical function symbol.
    *********** DAML+OIL Class for an Implication (i.e. rule) in RuleML ***********
    <daml:Class  rdf:ID="Imp">
           <rdfs:label>Imp </rdfs:label>
           <rdfs:comment>Imp stands for Implication rule,
                         i.e., an if-then rule.  </rdfs:comment>
                  <daml:Restriction daml:minCardinality="0">
                      <daml:onProperty  rdf:resource="#_rlab"/>
                           <rdfs:comment>_rlab stands for rule label</rdfs:comment>
                  </daml:Restriction >
                  <daml:Restriction daml:Cardinality="1">
                      <daml:onProperty  rdf:resource="#_head"/>
                  </daml:Restriction >
                  <daml:Restriction daml:Cardinality="1">
                      <daml:onProperty  rdf:resource="#_body"/>
                  </daml:Restriction >
    Next, we give another reformatted excerpt from that paper (p. 6 there),
    containing an example rule encoded in the DAML+OIL syntax.
    ' "The discount for a customer buying a product is 5 percent if the customer
    is premium and the product is regular.'
    ************* DamlRuleML Representation ***********
    </damlRuleML:imp> '
    4. Combination #3:  "Ontology Via Rules"
    The third way to combine rules with ontologies is to specify "ontology
    via rules", i.e., to use LP rules to specify restricted DL-form
    ontology knowledge.  This is another kind of "KR-fusion" between LP and DL.
    4.1 Approach
    This approach relies upon the fact that DL and LP have a substantial
    expressive overlap.  This overlap is described in a short working paper
    "Combining Rules with Ontologies for the Semantic Web:
    A Proposal for DAML-Rules, Combining DAML+OIL with RuleML"
    by B. Grosof and I. Horrocks, Aug. 2001.
    (This was first distributed to the DAML-EU Joint Committee.)
    Next, we give an excerpt (pp. 1-2 there) from that working paper,
    which summarizes the theoretical basis for this approach.
    ' "KR-fusion": this is to fuse the two logical KR's -- DL and LP
    -- so that information from each can be used in the other.  The
    KR-fusion technique enables one to "build rules on top of ontologies"
    in a powerful fashion: it enables the rule KR to have access to the DL
    ontological definitions for the vocabulary primitives (e.g.,
    predicate, individual, and function constants) used by the rules.
    Conversely, the KR-fusion technique likewise enables one to "build
    ontologies on top of rules" powerfully:  it enables ontological
    definitions to be supplemented by rules, or imported into DL from rules.
    The KR-fusion technique is thus potentially quite useful and powerful,
    but it is also challenging to develop fully. As an initial step, we
    give a partial theory (with deep declarative KR semantics) for
    translation and integration of DL to and fro LP.  More specifically,
    we focus on logically-monotonic LP (mon-LP), beginning with Horn LP,
    which is close (but not identical) to the Horn-clauses subclass of
    first-order-logic (Horn-FOL).  Part of our theory includes defining
    the expressive intersection of DL and mon-LP / Horn-FOL.  (Neither DL
    nor mon-LP/Horn-FOL expressively subsumes the other.)  Our theory
    enables one to view axioms (e.g., premises) either as DL or
    mon-LP/Horn-FOL, and to translate them back and forth.  Interestingly,
    the axioms might also be conclusions (e.g., ground facts) drawn from
    more expressively-general DL or LP/Horn-FOL beyond the intersection.
    The KR-fusion technique enables one to have a choice of either DL
    inferencing tools or mon-LP/Horn-FOL inferencing tools, for
    information in the expressive intersection.
    The KR-fusion technique also lays the groundwork for a possible new
    integral yet hybrid KR that combines some DL expressiveness with some
    mon-LP/Horn-FOL expressiveness and goes beyond the expressive
    intersection.  Of course, general FOL is a candidate for such a hybrid
    KR; however, general FOL is often impractical due to its computational
    complexity/semi-decidability.  To be truly valuable, a new such hybrid
    KR would have usefully increased expressiveness along with efficient
    algorithms for important tasks.  But finding that new KR remains for
    further exploration. '
    4.2 Examples
    Next, we give an excerpt (pp. 3-4 there) from that working paper,
    which gives generic examples of expressing ontology via rules,
    and vice versa.  For conciseness, these are expressed in abstract DL and LP
    syntax, which map straightforwardly to DAML+OIL and RuleML respectively.
    ' Here are some of the simpler parts of the mapping between DL and mon-LP
    for their expressive intersection.
    DL class: is represented in mon-LP as a predicate with arity 1.
    DL property:  is represented in mon-LP as a predicate with arity 2.
    "?" prefix indicates a logical variable, in mon-LP syntax below.
    Mapping examples:
    class C is SUBCLASS of class D:
    D(?X) <- C(?X).
    DOMAIN of property P is class C:
    C(?X) <- P(?X,?Y).
    RANGE of property P is class D:
    D(?Y) <- P(?X,?Y).
    Q is a SUB-PROPERTY of P:
    P(?X,?Y) <- Q(?X,?Y).
    property P is TRANSITIVE:
    P(?X,?Z) <- P(?X,?Y) and P(?Y,?Z).
    property P is SYMMETRIC:
    P(?Y,?X) <- P(?X,?Y).  '
    a is an instance of class C (where a is ground):
    (a,b) is an instance of property P (where a,b are ground):
    P(a,b). '
    4.3 Limitations
    An example of something simple to specify in DL but not
    possible to represent fully in LP (or Horn) is an existential, e.g.,
    to specify that the minimum cardinality of a class is 1.
    5. Combination #4:  "Rules Via Ontology"
    The fourth way to combine rules with ontologies is "rules via
    ontology", i.e., to use DL ontology to specify restricted LP-form rule
    knowledge.  This is the converse of the third way.  Like the third way
    of combination, this relies upon the fact that DL and LP have a
    substantial expressive overlap, discussed in the last section.  This
    is yet another kind of "KR-fusion" of LP and DL.
    5.1 Limitations
    An example of something simple to specify in mon-LP but awkward to
    represent in DL is a rule whose predicates have arity of three or
    more, whose arguments are a mix of variables and individual constants,
    and which has several body atoms.
    An example of something simple to specify in more general LP but not
    possible to represent fully in DL is prioritized override among rules,
    e.g., to represent default inheritance.  Another such example is the
    procedural attachment to associate an action method with the predicate
    appearing in the head of a rule.
    6. Which Combinations to Pursue
    See the second, third, and fourth paragraphs of section 1.
    Thanks to Harold Boley, Said Tabet, Ian Horrocks, Stefan Decker, Peter
    Patel-Schneider, Michael Dean, Patrick Hayes, Jim Hendler, Richard
    Fikes, Tim Berners-Lee, and Deborah McGuinness for helpful
    Prof. Benjamin Grosof,   MIT Sloan Sch. of Mgmt.  (
        Contracts and Policies for E-Commerce, XML Rules and Agent 
    Communication, Web Services
           [email protected]

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