Re: querying DAML+OIL syntax

From: Dan Connolly ([email protected])
Date: 11/30/01

Dan Connolly wrote:
> Then... let's write these expressions using only 2-place predicates,
> conjunction, and existential quantification. (i.e. in RDF triples)

To check my work, I wrote A and B in RDF/n3:

  ex:x a [ ont:unionOf (ex:a [ ont:intersectionOf (ex:b ex:c) ] ) ].

  ex:x a [ ont:intersectionOf ( [ont:unionOf (ex:a ex:b)]
                                [ ont:unionOf (ex:a ex:c)] ) ].

then (put the relevant namespaces on top and) translated
to RDF/xml; see attached. I've got some code that
convers RDF/xml to a KIF dialect; it produced:

;; RDF parsed by Id:,v 1.15 2001/11/10 23:21:14 connolly Exp
(prefix-kludge "" "")
(prefix-kludge "ex" "http://example/daml-entailment#")
(prefix-kludge "ont" "")
(prefix-kludge "rdf" "")
  (exists (?_rdfxg0 ?_rdfxg1 ?_rdfxg2 ?_rdfxg3 ?_rdfxg4 ?_rdfxg5
?_rdfxg6 ?_rdfxg7 ?_rdfxg8 ?_rdfxg9 ?_rdfxg10 ?_rdfxg11 )
     (rdf:type ex:x ?_rdfxg1 )
     (ont:unionOf ?_rdfxg1 ?_rdfxg3 )
     (ont:first ?_rdfxg3 ex:a )
     (ont:rest ?_rdfxg3 ?_rdfxg5 )
     (ont:first ?_rdfxg5 ?_rdfxg7 )
     (ont:intersectionOf ?_rdfxg7 ?_rdfxg9 )
     (ont:first ?_rdfxg9 ex:b )
     (ont:rest ?_rdfxg9 ?_rdfxg11 )
     (ont:first ?_rdfxg11 ex:c )
     (ont:rest ?_rdfxg11 ont:nil )
     (ont:rest ?_rdfxg5 ont:nil )

> A= ... becomes:
> (exists (?uaibc ?liabc ?libc ?ibc ?lbc ?lc)
>  (and
>   (type X ?uaibc)
>   (unionOf ?uaibc ?laibc)
>   (first ?laibc a) (rest ?laibc ?libc)
>   (first ?libc ?ibc) (rest ?libc nil)
>   (intersectionOf ?ibc ?lbc)
>   (first ?lbc b)
>   (rest ?lbc ?lc)
>   (first ?lc c)
>   (rest ?lc nil) ))

11 triples. check.

> B= becomes...
> (exists (?iabbc ...)
>  (and
>   (type X ?iuabubc)
>   (intersectionOf ?iuabubc ?luabubc)
>   (first ?luabubc ?uab) (rest ?luabubc ?lubc)
>   (first ?lubc ?ubc) (rest ?lubc nil)
>   (unionOf ?uab ?lab)
>   (first ?lab a) (rest ?lab ?lb) (first ?lb b) (rest ?lb nil)
>   (unionOf ?ubc ?lbc)
>   (first ?lbc b) (rest ?lbc ?lc) (first ?lc c) (rest ?lc c)
>  ) )

;; RDF parsed by Id:,v 1.15 2001/11/10 23:21:14 connolly Exp
(prefix-kludge "" "")
(prefix-kludge "ex" "http://example/daml-entailment#")
(prefix-kludge "ont" "")
(prefix-kludge "rdf" "")
  (exists (?_rdfxg0 ?_rdfxg1 ?_rdfxg2 ?_rdfxg3 ?_rdfxg4 ?_rdfxg5
?_rdfxg6 ?_rdfxg7 ?_rdfxg8 ?_rdfxg9 ?_rdfxg10 ?_rdfxg11 ?_rdfxg12
?_rdfxg13 ?_rdfxg14 ?_rdfxg15 ?_rdfxg16 ?_rdfxg17 )
     (rdf:type ex:x ?_rdfxg1 )
     (ont:intersectionOf ?_rdfxg1 ?_rdfxg3 )
     (ont:first ?_rdfxg3 ?_rdfxg5 )
     (ont:unionOf ?_rdfxg5 ?_rdfxg7 )
     (ont:first ?_rdfxg7 ex:a )
     (ont:rest ?_rdfxg7 ?_rdfxg9 )
     (ont:first ?_rdfxg9 ex:b )
     (ont:rest ?_rdfxg9 ont:nil )
     (ont:rest ?_rdfxg3 ?_rdfxg11 )
     (ont:first ?_rdfxg11 ?_rdfxg13 )
     (ont:unionOf ?_rdfxg13 ?_rdfxg15 )
     (ont:first ?_rdfxg15 ex:a )
     (ont:rest ?_rdfxg15 ?_rdfxg17 )
     (ont:first ?_rdfxg17 ex:c )
     (ont:rest ?_rdfxg17 ont:nil )
     (ont:rest ?_rdfxg11 ont:nil )

16 triples. Check.

> If ?c2 is ?ibc, blah blah blah and the result
> follows again.
> Hence, by proof by cases, QED.

There's a guy in the #rdfig developing a KIF reasoner
that groks this dialect of KIF (i.e. with namespaces).

I wonder if I could get him to check that there's
a straightfoward proof of B from A-with-DAML-axioms.

Dan Connolly, W3C

<!-- Processed by Id:,v 1.82 2001/11/15 22:11:23 timbl Exp -->
<!--     using base file:/home/connolly/w3ccvs/WWW/2000/10/swap/test/daml-ent.n3-->

<rdf:RDF xmlns=""

    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://example/daml-entailment#x">
        <rdf:type rdf:parseType="Resource">
            <ont:unionOf rdf:parseType="Resource">
                <ont:first rdf:resource="http://example/daml-entailment#a"/>
                <ont:rest rdf:parseType="Resource">
                    <ont:first rdf:parseType="Resource">
                        <ont:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Resource">
                            <ont:first rdf:resource="http://example/daml-entailment#b"/>
                            <ont:rest rdf:parseType="Resource">
                                <ont:first rdf:resource="http://example/daml-entailment#c"/>
                                <ont:rest rdf:resource=""/>
                    <ont:rest rdf:resource=""/>

<!-- Processed by Id:,v 1.82 2001/11/15 22:11:23 timbl Exp -->
<!--     using base file:/home/connolly/w3ccvs/WWW/2000/10/swap/test/daml-ent-conc.n3-->

<rdf:RDF xmlns=""

    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://example/daml-entailment#x">
        <rdf:type rdf:parseType="Resource">
            <ont:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Resource">
                <ont:first rdf:parseType="Resource">
                    <ont:unionOf rdf:parseType="Resource">
                        <ont:first rdf:resource="http://example/daml-entailment#a"/>
                        <ont:rest rdf:parseType="Resource">
                            <ont:first rdf:resource="http://example/daml-entailment#b"/>
                            <ont:rest rdf:resource=""/>
                <ont:rest rdf:parseType="Resource">
                    <ont:first rdf:parseType="Resource">
                        <ont:unionOf rdf:parseType="Resource">
                            <ont:first rdf:resource="http://example/daml-entailment#a"/>
                            <ont:rest rdf:parseType="Resource">
                                <ont:first rdf:resource="http://example/daml-entailment#c"/>
                                <ont:rest rdf:resource=""/>
                    <ont:rest rdf:resource=""/>

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