Re: DAML+OIL Expressivity Question

From: Deborah McGuinness ([email protected])
Date: 11/08/01

sorry for the multiple emails.
In order to make this suggestion more operational, I have put up a web page at:

If you provide html in that format, your input will be included more quickly.


Deborah McGuinness wrote:

> I am willing to collect such idioms.
> Please send me
> 1 - english of a statement you want to make
> 2 - a daml solution (if it is tricky, an english paraphrase first is useful).
> I have a start at such a collection since I wrote the "tricks of the trade" section
> of the "how and when to live with a kl-one-like language" [1] paper many moons ago.
> I generated that from working with users of classic and seeing how and when they
> were confused in their modeling tasks.
> That was for a mostly less expressive language than daml+oil (although interestingly
> enough would have happily been able to say the thing that jeff wanted to say since
> it did have same-as as a constructor).
> [1]
> d
> Pat Hayes wrote:
> > You know, guys, it is expecting rather a lot of the DPH to be able to
> > figure out that the right way to say that foo is baz, is to invent a
> > disjunctive superproperty and then restrict it to have a cardinality
> > of one. I'm sure this kind of thing makes life easier for the DL
> > reasoners, but it isn't likely to get DAML widely used.
> >
> > Would it make sense to provide some suite of idioms that could be
> > used to say a bunch of 'normal' things that people might want to say?
> > That might be a way towards making a useable interface to DAML, for
> > one thing.
> >
> > Pat
> >
> > >On November 7, Jeff Heflin writes:
> > >>  Ian,
> > >>
> > >>  Thanks for the ingenious suggestion. However, wouldn't you also have to
> > >>  express restrictions that the cardinality of bestFriend and spouse are
> > >>  1? Otherwise, people with a best friend but no spouse, or vice versa
> > >>  would be included in the class you defined.
> > >
> > >Oops - you are right of course.
> > >
> > >Ian
> > >
> > >>
> > >>  Jeff
> > >>
> > >>  Ian Horrocks wrote:
> > >>  >
> > >>  > On November 7, Jeff Heflin writes:
> > >>  > > Hi all,
> > >>  > >
> > >>  > > I recently had someone ask me if they could represent a particular kind
> > >>  > > of knowledge in DAML+OIL, and I wasn't able to give them a definite
> > >>  > > response. I was hoping one of our DL gurus could help. I was asked if it
> > >>  > > was possible to define the class of all people who's best friend is
> > >>  > > their spouse, where bestFriend and spouse are properties. I think this
> > >>  > > means they would need a restriction that could restrict two properties
> > >>  > > to have the same value. I don't believe we can do this in DAML+OIL, but
> > >>  > > wanted to check. Thanks!
> > >>  >
> > >>  > As you rightly suspect, there isn't a general way to restrict two
> > >>  > properties to have the same value. In cases like this, it may be
> > >>  > possible to use the property hierarchy to achieve the desired result
> > >>  > by declaring both bestFriend and spouse to be subProperties of a
> > >>  > property called, say, bestFriendORspouse, and then asserting the class
> > >>  > as equivalent to a maxCardinality restriction of 1 on
> > >>  > bestFriendORspouse.
> > >>  >
> > >>  > Ian
> > >>  >
> > >>  > >
> > >>  > > Jeff
> >
> > --
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > IHMC                                    (850)434 8903   home
> > 40 South Alcaniz St.                    (850)202 4416   office
> > Pensacola,  FL 32501                    (850)202 4440   fax
> > [email protected]
> >
> --
>  Deborah L. McGuinness
>  Knowledge Systems Laboratory
>  Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241
>  Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020
>  email: [email protected]
>  URL:
>  (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)  801 705 0941

 Deborah L. McGuinness
 Knowledge Systems Laboratory
 Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241
 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020
 email: [email protected]
 (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)  801 705 0941

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