Re: what should the result of query be (and look like)

From: Pat Hayes (
Date: 10/24/01

>I vote for none of the ``above''.
>The answer should be equivalent to a two-member set of pairs.
>One such answer could be
>	{ < <patsCar> , <blue> > ,
>           < _:b , <red> > }
>Another possible answer could be
>	?x = <patsCar>, ?y = { <blue> }
>	?x = <_:b>, ?y = { <red> }

Yes to both. Never mind the details; the basic point is that the 
answer is a set of *bindings*, not just a set of terms or things. 

>This second version could allow for a more-natural representation of some
>answers, at a certain price.
>I am torn between these two.  Formally, I like the simplicity of the
>former.  Pragmatically, I want the answer to reflect any ``nesting'' in the
>query and thus like the second.  (Yes, there is little possibility of
>nesting in RDF.)

But we can all live in hope, right?


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