on behalf of sandro

From: Joseph Coffman ([email protected])
Date: 10/24/01

>It seemed to me there was a real disagreement at the end of the
>joint-committee call today.  Here's a test case.  If I understood
>correctly, Pat (and I) will vote for (b) and Richard will vote for
>The knowledge base contains the statements: "Pat's car is blue, and
>there is something colored red."  Somewhat more formally:
>   RDF(PatsCar, color, blue).
>   exists x (RDF(x, color, red)).
>or in N-Triples (ignorng URI syntax)
>  <patsCar> <color> <blue>.
>  _:a <color> <red>.
>And then we have the query: "is there anything with any color?", or
>RDF(?x, color, ?y).
>Do we get back
>(a) 1 triple
>  <patsCar> <color> <blue>.
>or (b) 2 triples
>  <patsCar> <color> <blue>.
>  _:b <color> <red>.
>(where I've changed the _:a to _:b just to emphasise that it is an
>arbitrary term, and its scope does not carry over from the knowledge
>base to the response).
>or (c) 2 triples with genid (skolem constant)
>  <patsCar> <color> <blue>.
>  <reasonerCreatedSymbol79878687> <color> <red>.
>If everyone actually is happy with (b), then we were in fact in
>violent agreement.  If not, then there's a real issue here.
>       -- sandro       http://www.w3.org/People/Sandro/

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