Re: XML Query data model, algebra, and stuff

From: Pat Hayes ([email protected])
Date: 10/12/01

>With all apologies to John McCarthy, who should know better, this statement
>is at best misleading, and at worst dangerously wrong.
>   [[[ ... XML is isomorphic to the subset of Lisp data
>      where the first item in a list is required to be atomic. ]]]
>   --        1998: Advice for XML, W3 and ICE
>   Fri, 07 May 1999 20:56:22 GMT
>(I'm couching the differences below in terms of XML Infoset, as that is the
>smallest reasonable definition of what is in an XML document.)
>Lisp data is not just (standard) lists or ordered trees.  Lisp data can be
>circular in many ways.

John may have intended "pure Lisp", ie Sexpressions that can be 
defined using recursion but without setq.


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