Re: XML schema and RDF datatypes [was: comments...]

From: Pat Hayes ([email protected])
Date: 10/02/01

>  > [Dan Connolly]
>>  >It's also possible to design a language where the type of
>>  >a literal may *depend* on a declaration from an XML schema:
>>  >
>>  >	<kr:KRLang xmlns:rdf=""
>>  >		xmlns:ex="http://example/vocab">
>>  >	<ex:Person>
>>  >	  <ex:name>John Doe</ex:name>
>>  >	  <ex:shoeSize>10</ex:shoeSize>
>>  >	</ex:Person>
>>  >
>>  >so that the "10" above is not a logical constant at all;
>>  >not until you find a/the schema for http://example/vocab
>>  >do you know how to parse/interpret "10"... i.e. the
>>  >meaning of that chunk of XML is dependent on all the
>>  >trust issues around following links from one document
>>  >to another (not to mention a complete implementation
>>  >of XML Schema, an effort several orders of magnitude
>>  >larger than an RDF 1.0 parser).
>>  >
>>  >This sort of language is not a candidate for a future
>>  >version of RDF: it fails to meet
>>  >one of the basic requirements of RDF: that an RDF document
>>  >stands on its own as a logical formula.
>I fail to see how this follows.

I think the point is that it wouldn't follow if RDF were identified 
with XML/RDF, but that identification is itself in violation of the 
'stand-alone' idea.


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