Re: Joint Committee telecon today 18 September

From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 09/18/01

From: Mike Dean <[email protected]>
Subject: Joint Committee telecon today 18 September
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 12:52:38 -0400

> announcements
>   Peter has [finally, hopefully] submitted DAML+OIL

I've been wrestling with the you-know-who submission process.  After lots
of frustration, I may have finally found all the bugs in their tools, and
all the non-conformances in the submission files.  Anyway, I just sent in
the third or fourth version of the submission. :-(


PS:  I'm still not exactly sure what happens to submissions!  I think that
they show up nearly verbatim, which may be why there is all the pressure to
get something clean at the beginning.

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