Re: submission to you-know-what

From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 09/12/01

From: "Lynn Andrea Stein" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: submission to you-know-what
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 16:29:39 -0400

> Thank you.  The link works and I can see that the thing I thought of as the
> cover page is really the reference.
> Please add a link to me at

Done.  I also added Deborah's and Dan's web pages. 

> Also, I am uncomfortable not being an editor of the Annotated DAML+OIL
> Ontology Markup.  
>Perhaps you can suggest an alternative; however, as it
> stands, that document (as viewed at
> contains a tremendous amount of text that I personally wrote.  I can't
> speak for others who participated in authoring these documents.

Hmm.  I'll add you.  Perhaps my changes in this document had some impact.
I thought I was only making format changes.  I see now that I did, indeed
get rid of some of the history of this document, which I will add back.
(It should show up at 6pm today.)

> Also, the acknowledgements section of that document is incomplete.

What else should be added? 


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