Re: Joint Committee telecon today 28 August

From: Frank van Harmelen ([email protected])
Date: 08/28/01

Mike Dean wrote:

> Below is a draft agenda; additions are welcome.
>       Mike
> agenda updates/additions
> announcements
>   new axiomatic semantics
> minutes from August 21 [1]
> committee membership additions
> cyclic subClassOf/subPropertyOf feedback to RDF Core
> Strawman DAML+OIL Query Proposal [2]

I'm getting rather a lot of enquiries from various quarters about the recent discussion among W3C AC rep's about the start of the Web Ontology group. I understand the logic of the various positions, but would very much appreciate a discussion on what the best position is from us w.r.t. this (e.g: various W3C members have already approached me for advice on how to vote and why, including airing their own worries). 

Ideally, Tim, Jim, Dan and Ora would be present for at least this part of the discussion. I know this is mostly strategy/politics and not technical, but I would appreciate a discussion in this.


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