
From: Jim Hendler ([email protected])
Date: 03/26/01

Sorry not to respond sooner - saw that Pat and Dan were wondering 
about what "tags" were, and decided I'd better try to write a careful 
statement with lots of citations and examples, instead of just random 
meanderings.  Unfortunately, I didn't have time to do the thorough 
job, and ended up with something only a little better than a quick 
email -- still, it's now on the web at [1] and perhaps can open a 
dialog -- I hope it will explain what I mean by the general term 
"tag" and it (very) quickly reviews the difference between annotated 
logics, higher logics, and "tag" schemes
  Not sure how much of the telecon I can make tomorrow - I'll be in 
Boston w/Tim, but may have to leave soon after 4 to catch the plane - 
we'll see.
p.s. DanC - thanks for suggestion as to Claris for Mac web paging, 
really makes it a lot easier than the raw html I've been doing by 
hand -- now if someone would just do a DAML tool that easy to use...

[1] http://www.cs.umd.edu/users/hendler/Tags.html
Prof. James Hendler		Program Manager
DARPA/ISO			703-696-2238 (phone)
3701 N. Fairfax Dr.		703-696-2201 (Fax)
Arlington, VA 22203		[email protected]

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