Re: Acknowledgement of contributions

From: Jim Hendler ([email protected])
Date: 03/07/01

At 9:59 PM +0000 3/7/01, Ian Horrocks wrote:
>A point that I forgot to mention on Tuesday. Could be have somewhere in
>the distribution an acknowledgement of the contribution made by
>contributors to the rdf-logic list. Ora and I have been discussing this
>and agreed that it would be appropriate.
>Ian Horrocks, Department of Computer Science,
>University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK.
>Tel: +44 161 275 6133  Fax: +44 161 275 6204  Email: [email protected]

great idea - Mike, consider this one a "DARPA make it so" as opposed 
to just a good idea for the committee to discuss :->

Dr. James Hendler		[email protected]
Chief Scientist, DARPA/ISO	703-696-2238 (phone)
3701 N. Fairfax Dr.		703-696-2201 (Fax)
Arlington, VA 22203

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