Re: Avoiding exposed content in DAM+OIL

From: Frank van Harmelen ([email protected])
Date: 12/27/00

Frank wrote: 

> > An expression like
> >
> >   <restrictedBy>
> >     <Restriction>
> >       <onProperty rdf:resource="#father"/>
> >       <cardinality>1</cardinality>
> >     </Restriction>
> >   </restrictedBy>
> >
> > will display as "1" in a browser, which is unfortunate. Can this be avoided? 

Ian answered:

> Good point. There are many abbreviated forms of RDF, some of which seem
> to do the trick. How about:
> [...]
>   <restrictedBy>
>     <Restriction
>       onProperty rdf:resource="#father"
>       cardinality="1"/>
>   </restrictedBy>

I like this one a lot, because (a) it avoids exposed content, (b) it moves things together inside one XML tag which are always ocurring together as a single DAM+OIL expression.

Q1: Can someone confirm that this is legal RDF (I found at least one parser that didn't like it..), 

Q2: can anyone let me know when they object that I change all of our running example to this style?


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