Re: daml+oil

From: Ian Horrocks ([email protected])
Date: 12/19/00

On December 19, Deborah McGuinness writes:
> thx - a brief look looks good.
> You might update the changes file to include the change you mention below
> though.
> Do you think the changes file is otherwise complete?
> many people will be looking at that as the driver for their updating work.

The changes file is still applicable as all it says is:

    2. Local cardinality restrictions have been added. These allow both
    simple and qualified (including a class restriction) restrictions.

Unfortunately, the example file doesn't talk about local (much less
qualified) number restrictions, so that is also unaffected. However, I
believe that Frank is adapting the OIL white paper (which includes an
extended example) to daml+oil.


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