RE: revised UML profile for DAML

From: Kogut, Paul A ([email protected])
Date: 01/09/01


Thanks for the detailed input. You raised many interesting issues.
We will attempt to address some of them in this response but some
issues will take more study. Detailed responses are embedded below.

You point out many examples where the semantics of DAML-ONT is
significantly different than the semantics of UML. I wonder if some of these
differences are arbitrary or are they really motivated by carefully considered
design decisions. For now, my general answer to the semantic differences
question is that they are not that critical based on the assumption that
class diagrams are created specifically for the purpose of designing
DAML ontologies. They become more critical for the long term goals
of reverse engineering a DAML ontology into UML or trying to translate
legacy UML class diagrams into DAML. 

Paul Kogut

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Ken Baclawski [SMTP:[email protected]]
> Sent:	Thursday, January 04, 2001 3:59 PM
> To:	[email protected]
> Subject:	RE: revised UML profile for DAML
> RE: revised UML profile for DAML
> I have been examining the issue of translating UML into DAML in some detail and
> I have a number of comments.  I have divided them into the following:
> I. Completeness.
> II. Constraints.
> III. General properties of transformations.
> IV. Specific comments on individual constructs.
> V. Interactions among constructs.
> VI. Conclusion.
> I.  Completeness of the UML -> DAML transformation.
> A number of constructs have not been considered.  Some statement should be made
> about whether the missing constructs will be considered at some point.  The
> notions that are missing from RDF and RDFS are not currently part of DAML, but
> they were included in the published KIF formalization.
	[Kogut, Paul A]  The UML profile was based on DAML-ONT v1.2. We should state the applicable version of
	DAML in the UML profile documentation. Most of the constructs below were explicitly
	excluded in the DAML-ONT spec. However, with the release of DAML+OIL replacing DAML-ONT we will
	have to revisit all constructs.

> The following are the missing notions from RDF:
> 1. All of the constructs related to reification are missing.  This includes
> Statement, predicate, subject and object.  Is reification going to be
> supported?
> 2. None of the container constructs are considered: Bag, Seq and Alt.  In
> theory, these could be handled by using the list constructs, but those haven't
> been considered either.
> The following are the missing notions from RDFS:
> 1. Resource is not explicitly addressed anywhere.  Would this just be handled
> implicitly?
	[Kogut, Paul A]  Maybe this should be included in the profile. Resource is something very generic
	like ModelElement in UML. Any ideas?

> 2. As mentioned above, no container constructs were considered.  In RDFS this
> includes Container and ContainerMembershipProperty.  The latter is the class
> whose instances are the properties _1, _2, ...  How will these be handled, if
> at all?
> 3. How will constraints be handled?  In RDFS this includes ConstraintResource
> and ConstraintProperty.  In DAML there are many instances of these (see below).
> Should these be expressed using OCL or should they have a graphical
> representation?
> The following are missing notions from DAML:
	[Kogut, Paul A]  We are activiley working on these notions. Some of them change in DAML+OIL.

> 1. The list constructs: List, first, rest, item.
> 2. Most generic class: Thing.
> 3. Constraints: The classes Nothing, Empty, Disjoint, Restriction and
> Qualification, and the properties disjointWith, unionOf, disjointUnionOf,
> intersectionOf, complementOf, restrictedBy, qualifiedBy, asClass, onProperty,
> toValue, toClass and hasValue.> 
> II.  Expressing constraints.
	[Kogut, Paul A]  This is a great discussion of the advantages/disadvantages of OCL vs. stereotypes.
	My current preference is to represent as much as possible graphically with stereotypes. There
	are people in the UML community calling for a graphical OCL.

> The main problem here is which of the following should be used for constraints:
> 1. Use OCL for all constraints.  While this is the most general technique, it
> has many disadvantages:
>   a. It is text-based rather than graphical.
>   b. It requires knowledge and skill to write an OCL constraint.
>   c. There is no convenient provision for reusing commonly occurring constructs.
>   d. Most UML-based CASE tools do not support OCL.  In particular, they do not
>      check consistence of the OCL constraints relative to the UML diagram.
> 2. Use only the supported graphical constraint mechanisms such as domain, range
> and cardinality constraints.  The problem with this is that it is not general
> enough to handle all of the DAML constraints.  Even in the case of domain and
> range, UML differs from RDFS.
> 3. Use a mix of graphical constraints and OCL constraints.  This has the
> disadvantages mentioned in #1 above.
> 4. Use stereotypes to extend the supported graphical constraint mechanisms.  This
> has two disadvantages:
>   a. UML-based CASE tools have no semantics associated with stereotypes.
>   b. It is very easy to use the stereotypes improperly.  The result would be
>      a DAML ontology that does not conform to the designer's intentions.  The
>      CASE tool would not be able to catch any such problem since stereotypes
>      have no semantics.  Furthermore, the generated DAML ontology could still
>      be meaningful even though it is wrong.
> III.  Properties of translations.
> What are the goals for the transformation?  Should it be functional?  Should it
> be a two-way transformation?  Should the two ways be inverses of each other?
> While it is probably too much to expect that they be inverses, should they at
> least be inverses up to semantic equivalence?  Should they be bounded?
	[Kogut, Paul A]  How does this relate to the purpose and approach discussion 
	on ? Can you provide an example
	of where this was addressed for some other translation between a pair of languages?

> To make these questions a little more precise, let me introduce some notation.
> Write {DUML} for the set of all UML diagrams needed for expressing DAML
> ontologies (including any UML stereotypes).  Write {DAML} for the set of all
> DAML ontologies.  Now there are many inessential ways in which one could vary a
> UML diagram (or a DAML ontology) without changing the underlying semantics.
> For example, the order in which one defines classes should not matter, yet that
> order is part of the XML serialization of either UML or DAML.  Use the term
> "semantic equivalence" to mean that two DUML diagrams (or two DAML ontologies)
> differ only in inessential ways.  For a DUML diagram D, write |D| for the size
> of D (in some arbitrary unit, such as the number of characters in its file),
> and similarly for a DAML ontology.
> Now a transformation from DUML to DAML is a map UA:{DUML}->{DAML}.  By
> definition of DUML, it is defined on every DUML diagram.  A transformation from
> DAML to DUML is a partial map AU:{DAML}->{DUML}.  Both of these transformations
> should preserve semantic equivalence: if A is semantically equivalent to B,
> then UA(A) should be semantically equivalent to UA(B), and similarly for AU.
> It is also reasonable to assume that for any DUML diagram A, AU should be
> defined on UA(A) and AU(UA(A)) should be semantically equivalent to A.> 
> Similarly for DAML ontologies.
> Even under all of these assumptions, it does not follow that UA and AU will be
> inverse maps.  Indeed, they may be far from being inverses.  Let us say that
> such a pair of maps as above is bounded if for any DUML diagram A, the sequence
> |A|, |UA(A)|, |AU(UA(A))|, ...  is bounded and for any DAML ontology O on which
> AU is defined, the sequence |O|, |AU(O)|, |UA(AU(O))|, ...  is bounded.  It is
> certainly possible for the pair AU, UA to be unbounded.  Unboundedness has been
> observed in much simpler settings such as translations between ER diagrams and
> relational schemas.
> V.  Comments on individual constructs
	[Kogut, Paul A]  We will make an attempt to record the many semantic differences discussed below
	in the mapping table.

> class -> Class
> This is okay.  There are some slight differences.  In RDFS, a class can be an
> instance of another class.  UML appears to have a strict separation between the
> object and class levels.
> instanceOf -> type
> type of modelElement -> type
	[Kogut, Paul A]  I think a diagram example would help here.

> The type notion is more general in RDFS than in UML.  As noted above, RDFS has
> no strict separation between the class model level and the object level.
> attribute -> Property
> association -> Property
	[Kogut, Paul A]  This should be clarified to say "binary association". N-ary associations are a problem
	that will arise when translating legacy class diagrams to DAML. Needs more investigation.

> This is one of the more problematic mappings.  RDFS restricts properties to be
> binary, while UML allows ternary and higher-order associations.  One can always
> convert n-ary associations to a set of n binary associations, but this requires
> the introduction of a new class, and it can change the semantics.
> generalization -> subClassOf
> stereotyped dependency between 2 associations -> subPropertyOf
> generalization between stereotyped classes -> subPropertyOf
	[Kogut, Paul A]  How do you indicate in UML that a generalization is transitive? I think the best we can do
	here is make it clear that a nontransitive UML generalization is translated into a transitive subClassOf. 

> Again, the semantics are somewhat different.  UML generalization need not be
> transitive in general.  For example, specifying that C is a generalization of B
> and that B is a generalization of A does not imply that C is a generalization
> of A.  This reflects the fact that in some programming languages (such as C++),
> the subclass relationship is not transitive by default (although one can
> specify that it is transitive if desired).  On the other hand, the RDFS
> subClassOf property is always transitive.
> note -> comment
> name -> label
	[Kogut, Paul A]  The label could store the original UML name.

> These look fine.  However, it might be useful to use these to record aspects of
> the transformation process.  For example, when it is necessary to change the
> name of some UML notion, the original name can be recorded using a suitable
> comment or label.  It would be helpful to specify whether comment or label will
> be used for this and how it will be used.
> tagged value on a class and association -> seeAlso
> tagged value on a class and association -> isDefinedBy
	[Kogut, Paul A]  I don't understand the problem here. There would be 2 tagged values with
	different names. 

> These two are mapping the same notion in UML to different notions in DAML.
> How would a translator distinguish these?
	[Kogut, Paul A]  A tagged value is just a string. Need to consider whether it is worth making this
	more complicated. 
> When translating in the reverse direction (i.e., from DAML to UML), there is
> another problem.  Unlike comment and label, these two are not restricted to
> literals (strings).  Is a UML tagged value just a string or can it point to an
> object?  What provision will be made to deal with this issue?> 
> attribute type: string -> Literal
> This looks okay.
> attribute value -> value
	[Kogut, Paul A]  Need to work out some examples to clarify this. 

> The value property is just another property.  It i> s used for specifying the
> "principal value" of a structured value.  This is from the RDF specification:
> "In the RDF model a qualified property value is simply another instance of a
> structured value. The object of the original statement is this structured value
> and the qualifiers are further properties of this common resource. The
> principal value being qualified is given as the value of the value property of
> this common resource."
> One can certainly map the RDF value property to an attribute or association
> named "value".  However, mapping any attribute value in UML to the RDF value
> property does not make sense.
> initial value for an attribute -> default
	[Kogut, Paul A]  Default has been dropped in DAML+OIL. It will be removed from the UML profile.

> Presumably default could also apply to an association.  However, the semantics
> of default are not well specified in DAML.  It does not even specify that there
> can only be one default value.
> class containing an attribute -> domain
> source class of an association -> domain
> attribute type (primitive or class) -> range
> target class of an association -> range
	[Kogut, Paul A]  I think this can be prevented by checking the UML model before generating DAML.
	But this problem should be recorded in the UML profile document.

> This is one of the more problematic mappings.  RDFS restricts properties to
> have at most one range (and need not have any), while UML associations have
> exactly one domain and one range.  Two UML associations can have the same name,
> but in this case they are different associations because the names are in
> different namespaces.
> If one chooses to map two associations having the same name to the same RDFS
> property, then this could violate the requirement that an RDFS property have
> only one range.  If one maps each association to a different RDFS property,
> then RDFS properties having multiple domains will not be expressible in UML.
> An RDFS property need not have any range (or any domain).  Presumably this
> could be handled by using Thing as the range (or domain) in this case.
> stereotyped dependency -> equivalentTo
	[Kogut, Paul A]  I don't see how the information in a note could be translated to DAML via XMI.
	A stereotyped dependency seems right. SameClassAs and samePropertyAs will be more commonly
	used in DAML+OIL than equivalentTo.  

> DAML equivalentTo just introduces another name for the same object.  When one
> is using this within a single ontology, it could be handled using a note.  For
> example "Empty" and "Nothing" are two names for the same DAML class.  However,
> when the objects are in different ontologies, something like a stereotyped
> dependency will be needed to identify the objects.
> stereotyped package -> Ontology
> tagged value on a package -> versionInfo
> dependency stereotype for packages -> imports
> This looks fine.
> multiplicity of an association end -> cardinality
> multiplicity range y..z -> minCardinality = y, maxCardinality = z
	[Kogut, Paul A]  The mappings above should be clarified to read target association end.
	The multiplicity on the source end will be ignored in the translation to DAML unless it
	is equal to 1 (see UnambiguousProperty). This solves the problem of two range classes below.

> This is not quite correct.  In UML both sides of an association can have a
> multiplicity.  In DAML, only a range multiplicity can be given.  To specify a
> domain multiplicity for a property p, one must specify that a second property q
> is the inverseOf p, then impose cardinality constraints on q.
> In the KIF formalization of DAML, the semantics of inverseOf do not restrict
> the domain and range of the inverse property.  So one could specify that a> 
> property p has two domain classes and one range class, then specify that q is
> the inverse of p, thereby specifying a property that has one domain class and
> two range classes.
> association target wi> th multiplicity 0..1 or 1..1 -> UniqueProperty
> association source with multiplicity 0..1 or 1..1 -> UnambiguousProperty
> This is okay provided one does not allow properties with multiple domains and
> ranges.
> stereotyped dependency between 2 associations -> inverseOf
	[Kogut, Paul A]  In the case of 2 way navigation you would not need an explicit inverseOf dependency
	on a class diagram. This would be the preferred way to show a pair of inverse properties with
	multiplicities >1.

> In the introduction it was mentioned that inverses could also be generated by
> associations that are navigable in both directions.  As mentioned above, one
> might also need inverses to specify multiplicities on both ends of an
> association.
> stereotype on an association -> TransitiveProperty
	[Kogut, Paul A]  What other features of a property do we want to specify for DAML?

> This is a feature of a property.  Presumably one could specify other features
> of a property which would also be interesting.  Using a stereotype for this
> would mean that one could only specify one feature.  A tagged value seems more
> natural for this.
> VI.  Interactions and relationships among constructs
	[Kogut, Paul A]  I agree with the basic idea here. We will look at other UML profiles to see
	how this was addressed.

> While it is reasonable to define a mapping from UML to DAML by specifying how
> each construct is to be mapped, one must also consider how the constructs are
> related to one another.  In other words, in addition to the major constructs
> one must also consider the "glue" that ties them together.
> Constructs in DAML are linked together either through the use of URIs or by
> using the hierarchical containment relationship of XML.  DAML objects need not
> be explicitly named (i.e., they can be anonymous), and such objects can be
> related to other objects using XML containment.
> RDF has another relationship construct that is used for specifying membership
> in a container.  This construct uses an infinite set of properties named _1,
> _2,..., and the li XML tag.  One can "traverse" a container using the aboutEach
> XML attribute and the aboutEachPrefix XML attribute.
> UML uses a very different kind of "glue" to link its objects to each other.
> Instead of URIs, it uses names in a large number of namespaces.  For example,
> each class has its own namespace for its attributes and associations.  RDF also
> has namespaces (from XML), but the XML namespaces are a very different notion.
> UML also uses graphical proximity to specify relationships, and these are the
> only way that unnamed objects can be linked with other objects.  Graphical
> relationships are more complex than hierarchical containment, and one would
> expect that graphical interfaces would be more general than hierarchical
> containment.  However, this is not quite true.  The XML serialization form of
> RDF can specify sequence information very easily while it is awkward to specify
> a sequential order for graphical objects.  Indeed, serializations impose a
> sequence ordering on every relationship even when it is irrelevant.
> When specifying a mapping from UML to DAML, one should also address the issue
> of how relationships between model elements are to be mapped.  The most
> important issue is the mapping of names, but other issues are also significant.
> VI.  Conclusion.
> Generally speaking, the posted translation is a good start, but the problem of
> translating between UML and DAML is a substantial one.  One can expect that a
> lot of issues will have to be resolved as the translation is developed further.
> I hope that my comments will start the process of identifying and resolving
> these issues.
> Kenneth Baclawski
> Versatile Information Systems
> [email protected]

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