Agentcities deployment grants

From: [email protected]
Date: 02/14/02

  • Next message: - Fabien Gandon -: "Workshop on Knowledge Management and Semantic Web (K-CAP'2003)"
    ***Apologies for multiple postings***
    **Note: funding opportunity for Framework 5 (EU) eligible insitutions only
    Agentcities Deployment Grants, Call for Proposals.
    The Agentcities project is pleased to be able to offer up to 30 grants of
    EUR10,000 for the deployment or development of Agentcities, or agent
    services to be deployed on an Agentcity. 
    For more information on the Agentcities initiative please see 
    The full text of the call is available from:
    Please disseminate this information as appropriate. 
    Best Regards,
    Dr. Simon Thompson,
    Team Leader , Intelligent Agents,
    Complexity Research Group, 
    Intelligent Systems Lab,
    BT Exact Technologies, 
    Adastral Park.	
    01473 605531 (phone)
    01473 642459 (fax) 
    077 6497 7256 (mobile)
    Adastral city :
    "Ignore me, if you think I'm wrong" - Robert Sutton, The Weird Rules of
    Creativity, Harvard Business Review. Reprint R0108F
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