FW: Word Plug-in for DAML editing

From: John Flynn ([email protected])
Date: 07/31/01

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On
Behalf Of John Flynn
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 11:16 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Word Plug-in for DAML editing

One of the candidates discussed during the Killer Applications breakout
sessions was a plug-in to support creating/editing ontologies/instances
directly in Word. This email is in the spirit of continuing that general
discussion. There are several Word plug-in approaches for direct XML
editing. I�m not suggesting the one below is any better than others;
however, the article does an excellent job in describing why this approach
is important.

If XML is to have the same transforming effect on document-oriented
applications that it has had on transactional, business-to-business
applications, it will have to be easily applied by authors who are experts
in the subject matter, but have little knowledge of markup and less desire
to learn it. This article describes an XML editor that does exactly that:
it allows the rest of us to create valid XML in a familiar context without
extensive knowledge of the rules of XML or the DTD behind the document.

Full article:


We will set up an email list ( [email protected]
<mailto:[email protected]> ) on Monday to facilitate continued discussion
leading to a consensus on a DAML Killer Application.



John Flynn
(703) 284-4612
DAML Integration and Transition PM
BBN Technologies

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