A Breakout Session On DAML Reasoning

From: Richard Fikes (fikes@ksl.stanford.edu)
Date: 07/11/01

At the PI meeting next week, there will be a breakout session focused on
the role of reasoning in the Semantic Web, the work on reasoning being
done in the DAML program, and what might be done to coordinate and
accelerate that work.  Mike Dean and I will co-chair that session.

This message is to solicit input for that session.  In particular,
during the session we would like to list and reference the work on
reasoning being done by DAML contractors.  So, if you are doing such
work, send Mike and me a brief paragraph describing the work and a URL
where further information can be obtained.  We will make available to
the session attendees the descriptions we receive.

Also, we would appreciate input on what you would like for a "DAML
reasoning working group" to do or produce or be responsible for if such
an entity were to be established.


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