Joint Committee Minutes 12 December 2000

This page summarizes the telecon for the Joint US/EU Committee on Agent Markup Languages held from 1300 to 1330 PST on 12 December 2000. These minutes were prepared by the chairman, and were approved during the 19 December telecon.

This was a short telecon, as many members had just returned home from our meeting in DC.



Peter Patel-Schneider has tentatively accepted our invitation to join the committee.

Last Week's Minutes

Frank noted that we had agreed that for DAML+OIL the 2 sets of formal semantics will be treated as proposals, like the 2 presentation syntaxes.

Final approval of the minutes from 28 November and 7-8 December will be deferred until next week, so that everyone has a chance to review them.

XML 2000

Several people reported on observations from the XML 2000 conference in DC.

Tim Berners-Lee gave the keynote for the Introducing Knowledge Technologies session.

Fourthought demonstrated an RDF Inference Language which is used on their web site.

There were several exhibits related to Topic Maps, and the XTM 1.0 specification for interchanging Topic Maps using XML was released. Various people have noted similarities between RDF and Topic Maps. Ralph Swick from W3C spent several hours meeting with the TopicMap folks, and will hopefully send a report to www-rdf-interest.

Dan Connolly is on the committee for the Knowledge Technologies conference to be held March 4-7 in Austin, TX.

Next Week

Next week's meeting will focus on concrete types, with formal proposals from Mike, Dan, and Peter/Ian.

Action Items

ACTION: Dan Connolly to send out list of action items from DC meeting

ACTION: Mike Dean to establish public archived email list for the committee


Kelly Barber's raw notes
last week's minutes

$Id: 2000-12-12.html,v 1.4 2001/01/04 17:42:30 mdean Exp $