Joint Committee Minutes 14 November 2000

This page summarizes the telecon for the Joint US/EU Committee on Agent Markup Languages held from 1300 to 1400 PST on 14 November 2000. These minutes were prepared by the chairman, and were approved during the 21 November telecon.



Dieter Fensel has joined the committee as an advisor representing the EU.

XML 2000

Dan Connolly secured 5 day passes to the XML 2000 Conference in DC, which will allow committee members to participate in the Introducing Knowledge Technologies session on December 6. These were claimed by Deb McGuinness, Frank van Harmelen, Ian Horrocks, and Jeff Heflin.

DAML-Rules Subgroup

Stefan Decker, Ora Lassila, Jeff Heflin, an OIL representative (Ian Horrocks, Dieter Fensel, or Frank van Harmelen), and Pat Hayes volunteered to develop a proposal to add rules to DAML-ONT. They will also try to coordinate with Wolfgang Wahlster and the Rule Markup Language Initiative. ACTION: Mike Dean will coordinate.

Universe of Discourse

There was considerable discussion regarding the DAML-ONT domain/universe of discourse question raised by Frank von Harmelen.

Core KIF (first-order logic + identity) was cited as an example of keeping things simple, placing minimal requirements on the domain of discourse.

Issues include expressivity, decidability, complexity (formal and cognitive), and keeping things simple for tools.

ACTION: Pat Hayes (in favor of including classes in the universe of discourse) and Ian Horrocks (in favor of excluding classes) will develop proposals.

Formal Semantics for DAML-ONT

Deb McGuinness and Richard Fikes introduced their Axiomatic Semantics for DAML-ONT, which has been discussed on They used ANSI KIF to reach a larger target audience. Remaining issues include

December Meeting

Our in-person meeting will be held at the BBN Rosslyn office (convenient to the DC Metro) on 7-8 December 2000. John Flynn has distributed local hotel location and rate information. Plan on 9-5 on Thursday, and 9-3 on Friday.


Kelly Barber's raw notes
last week's minutes

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