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DAML Project Plan Ontology

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projectplan.daml is an ontology for a summary project plan. It was originally developed as a possible encoding for Intent of Work (IOW) statements, and was used to develop BBN's IOW submission.

It can be viewed as a "summary" project plan representation, which might be generated from a more detailed plan maintained in Microsoft Project or other tools. For example, task percentages could be aggregated from more detailed resource loadings.


bbn-2001-02.daml is BBN's plan as of February 2001.


This ontology was developed using OilEd and projectplan.oil is still the definitive version (projectplan.daml is generated from projectplan.oil). Avoiding conflicts with OIL keywords required renaming of several properties:


Mike Dean
$Id: index.xml,v 1.2 2002/04/11 14:08:49 kmbarber Exp $