Semantic Web Services Initiative
Architecture Committee (SWSA)

Architecture Committee Members

Mission Statement

The mission of the Semantic Web Services Initiative Architecture committee (SWSA) is to develop architectural and protocol abstractions forming a reference architecture to support Semantic Web Service technologies. The Architecture committee will motivate these concepts through use cases that demonstrate the benefits of using machine interpretable semantics to facilitate dynamic interoperability, composability, and substitutability among web services and for agent-based services in other distributed environments. We will promote the development of standard methodological and theoretical underpinnings through discussions, publications, reference implementations and coordination with standards bodies.

Work Plan

NEW: SWSA Requirements Document

Requirements Document Version 1.0 released 1 June 2004.


Material for SWSA Committee Discussions.

Material for SWSL (Language) Committee Discussions

Use Cases Library

Draft Use Cases index page


Working Materials

(Last Edited: July 6, 2004).