OWL-S Release Status
What's New or Changed in This Release
Changes for Version 1.1 Beta (from 1.0) - partial list
- All ontology files fully validated with vOWLidator, Pellet, WonderWeb.
- All ontology files made to be in OWL DL.
- Added new files generic/Expression.owl and
generic/ObjectList.owl. Moved Expression and related logic classes to
generic/ Expression.owl from Process.owl.
- Process, Profile, BravoAirProcess, CongoProcess: using generic/ObjectList.owl so as to avoid
using RDF list constructs (so as to remain in OWl DL).
- Process: Added explicit domain property instances to hasInput and
- Process: New cardinality declarations (card = 1) on chooseFrom, chosen,
ifCondition, then, else, whileCondition, whileProcess, untilCondition,
and untilProcess.
- Process: Corrected cardinalities of computed IOPE properties (from 1 to
max 1).
- Process: Moved some of the comments into rdf: comment blocks.
- Process: Participant is no longer a subclass of Parameter.
- Process: Added hasParticipant, hasClient, performedBy, TheClient, TheServer,
and some related restrictions.
- Process: eliminated ProcessModel class.
- Process: New results model (classes and properties for describing
the results of a process execution). (A result
bundles a condition with an output and an effect.)
Process: Added ParameterValue (new property).
Process: Parameter is now a subclass of swrl:Variable.
Process: Added local vars (new subset of Parameter)
- Process: Added declarations for Binding, InputBinding, OutputBinding.
- Process: New control construct: Perform.
- Process: Added ThisPerform and TheParentPerform.
- Process: ProcessComponent is now deprecated; ControlConstruct used instead.
Process, Profile: hasEffect is now Deprecated.
Process, Profile: hasResult has been added (with range process:Result).
Also, the range of hasOutput has been changed to process:Output
(from process:ConditionalOutput).
Process, Profile:
range of hasPrecondition changed from Precondition to &expr;#Condition.
- Grounding: eliminated unnecessary reliance on lists (changed
property wsdlInputs to wsdlInput).
- Grounding: new properties wsdlService, wsdlPort.
Changes for Version 1.0 (from 0.9)
(Sorry, this never got filled in. Could be reconstructed if it ever
becomes important.)
Changes for Version 0.9 (from 0.9 Beta)
- Profile.daml/owl: Deprecated constructs moved into a new file: ProfileDeprecatedElements.daml/owl.
- Profile.daml/owl: Some optional profile attributes moved into a new file: ProfileAdditionalProperties.daml/owl.
- Profile.daml/owl: Class "Actor" moved into a new file: ActorDefault.daml/owl.
- Profile.daml/owl: Class "ParameterDescription" renamed to
"FunctionalPropertyDescription", with new subclasses
"PreconditionDescription", and
- BravoAirGrounding.wsdl: Added a missing angle bracket.
- BravoAirGrounding.wsdl: Inserted several missing namespace uses.
- BravoAirGrounding.wsdl: Removed incorrect pound signs with namespace uses.
- CongoGrounding.wsdl: Namespace corrections (similar to those for Bravo Air).
- CongoProcess.daml/owl: Corrected domain of property nameBookInCatalogue.
Changes for Version 0.9 Beta
This list summarizes changes since the release announcement of
Version 0.7. Some of these changes were already introduced prior to
the release of Version 0.9, as incremental
updates to Version 0.7.
This list is a summary; that is, it does not specify all changes.
Notes: There was no Version 0.8 (that number was skipped).
Conditions (appendix) - new material
Explains and illustrates an approach to representing conditional
(as used in conditional outputs, preconditions, effects, and
conditional control constructs).
Security constructs (appendix) - new material
Explains and illustrates an approach to expressing security
capabilities and requirements, in service profiles.
Various syntax corrections.
Iteration construct refined.
Introduction of class WsdlOperationRef which allows one to refer
unambiguously to operations in WSDL, using (portType, operation)
Cardinality restrictions now allow for one-to-many correspondence
between an atomic process and WSDL operations.
XSLT transformations can now be used to map between XML Schema
type definitions (used in WSDL) and DAML+OIL type definitions.
The use of XSLT allows DAML-S enabled Web services to connect to
non-DAML+OIL Web services (that is, Web services that don't accept
inputs and produce outputs in DAML+OIL).
changed damlsParameter from Datatype to Object property
changed several incorrect uses of "toValue" to "hasValue"
(change due to www-ws message from Vera Zaychik)
added property putInCartBookISBN (previously the process had an
incomplete use of "input")
(change due to www-ws message from Monika Solanki)
added "includes" statement for CongoProcessDataFlow.daml
replaced #input with #putInCartBookISBN
(due to www-ws messages from Monika Solanki)
now using rdf:resource attributes with damlsParameter
now specifying xsd:uriReference rdf:value= where appropriate
several minor syntax corrections
clean-up of ENTITY definitions
lots of detailed formatting fixes
Changes for Version 0.7
Version 0.7 introduces the Grounding ontology, and includes some
refinements to the Profile and Process Model ontologies. In addition,
a new example of a Profile-based (yellow-pages style) service taxonomy
is presented, and the existing service examples have been made more
complete. The new Grounding ontology ties DAML-S in with the Web
Services Description Language (WSDL), an emerging, collaborative
industry effort that is currently the focus of a W3C working group.
The Profile
Changes to the Profile ontology are summarized
here: profileChanges.html.
The Process Model
(Sorry, this summary never got generated.)
The Grounding Ontology
All new material for 0.7.
Deprecated Constructs
- isPresentedBy replaced by presentedBy
- isDescribedBy replaced by describedBy
- isSupportedBy replaced by supportedBy
See profileChanges.html.
- Removed minCardinality of 1 from service:presents
What's Missing
This release of DAML-S is missing several notable components that
will be added in subsequent releases. In particular
- Semantics for DAML-S
Although a formal semantics for DAML-S is not currently included as part of this release, work has been done towards providing both an axiomatic semantics and an operational semantics. The former work is described in
Narayanan, S. and McIlraith, S., "Simulation, Verification and Automated Composition of Web Services",
and the latter, in
Anupriya Ankolekar, Frank Huch, Katia Sycara, "Concurrent Execution Semantics for DAML-S with Subtypes",
both of which may be accessed at http://www.daml.org/services/.
- Process Control Ontology
In the technical overview section, we identified 4 tasks to
be performed by agents. The fourth task, execution monitoring,
requires further markup of services. In a subsequent release we
will include a process control ontology to provide markup in
support of this task.
- Conversational Protocol
The current DAML-S definitions are insufficiently clear
about how to specify the precise communication patterns that
are to take place in carrying out a service (that is, the
patterns of messages that are to be exchanged between service
participants). However, we believe that the process ontology
already provides a basis for specifying these patterns, and it
is likely that these specifications will not require many
additional new constructs.
Known Limitations
See also
DAML-S Design Rationale and Outstanding Issues
- BravoAir process model
The BravoAir process model is somewhat less complete than the Congo
process model. It lacks: inputs/outputs for composite processes (but
they can be inferred from the sub processes); indication of argument
bindings between subprocesses.