From: pat hayes ([email protected])
Date: 10/16/00
>Ah, one where I can clarify:
>Dan Connolly writes:
> > In what way is
> > The class C is the disjoint union of the classes
> > in the list L.
> > not an assertion?
>[Full context of the quotation below.]
>(*) The class C is the disjoint union of the classes
> in the list L.
>is an assertion.
>However, the clause
> the disjoint union of the classes in the list L.
>is not an assertion and may be meaningless.
>I believe that Pat (Hayes) means to be asking what C is asserted (by
>(*)) to be in this case.
>I believe that Dan's answer would be that the assertion (*) is false.
That isnt an answer, however. (What *is* the disjoint union of the
classes in L, in that case? We've established that it isn't C, but
what is it?)
>An alternative answer might be that the assertion (*) is true, but
>that "disjoint union" of a non-disjoint class set is ill-defined,
>e.g., that (*) is asserting that C is some special "error object".
>This is a more operational way to interpret the assertion (*).
That is an answer, butI don't think its particularly "operational".
This is the standard trick for talking about partially-defined things
in a logic which requires everything to be defined, eg KIF uses this
(the error object is called 'bottom', referring to its place in a
semi-lattice, no Shakesperian pun intended.)
But let me urge that rather than go this route, which has pitfalls of
its own (do all the classes have to contain bottom? Does bottom count
as a value when working out cardinalities?) it would be much better
to just have the usual mathematical definition of disjoint-union
which always has a value, so no problem.
>Dan and Pat (and everyone else), did I put the right words into your
Yes, from me.
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