From: Dan Connolly ([email protected])
Date: 10/11/00
pat hayes wrote: > > In DAML-ONT: > > </Property> <Property ID="disjointUnionOf"> > <label>disjointUnionOf</label> > <domain resource="#Class"/> > <range resource="#List"/> > <comment> > > for unionOf(X, Y) read: X is the disjoint union of the classes in > the list Y: (a) for any c1 and c2 in Y, disjointWith(c1, c2), > and (b) i.e. if something is in any of the classes in Y, it's > in X, and vice versa. > > cf OIL disjoint-covered > </comment> </Property> <Property ID="intersectionOf"> > > <! COMMENT: This isnt the usual notion of 'disjoint-union'. The usual one is the union of two disjoint copies of the arguments. Imagine replacing A and B by A' and B' where A' differs from A in having all the elements of its intersection with B marked as 'first copy', and similarly for B' but marked 'second copy', then the disjoint union of A and B is the union of A' and B'. So for example the disjoint union of a set with itself is a set with two copies of everything in the original set. > Two copies? in a set? I don't understand. As to the "usual" notion of disjoint union, lemme try google... Ah... now I see what you're talking about... But that's the 2nd hit nominated by google. The 1st one is consistent with what I was talking about: For example, if T represents the type of triangles, R the type of rectangles and C the type of circles, then we can say that an object is a triangle or a rectangle or a circle by saying that it belongs to the type T or R or C. In Nuprl this type is written T|R|C. In general if A and B are types, then so is their disjoint union, A|B. Semantically, not only is the union disjoint, but given an element of A|B, it must be possible to decide which component it is in. Semantically, not only is the union disjoint, but given an element of A|B, it must be possible to decide which component it is in. But perhaps something like "partitionedBy" would be less ambiguous? I don't really know what's the common idiom here; I added this at the request of somebody else. > <! QUESTION: what is the value of your disjoint-union when the classes arent disjoint?> er... the same as the "value" of any other false assertion, such as 5<4. > </Property> <Property ID="complementOf"> > <comment> > for complementOf(X, Y) read: X is the complement of Y; if something is in Y, > then it's not in X, and vice versa. cf OIL NOT</comment> > <! COMMENT: It might be safer to use relative complement, Probably so... > ie subtraction of one class from another. Then complement is relative complement from the universal class. The reason this might be safer is that for many people there is no universal class, so (absolute) complement isnot exactly well-defined. In any case relative complement is often handy in its own right. > > <Property ID="oneOf"> > <comment>for oneOf(C, L) read everything in C is one of the things in L; > This lets us define classes by enumerating the members. > </comment> > <! QUESTION: Does this mean that C and L have exactly the same members? > Yes, though the relation used to relate a member to a class it belongs to (rdf:type, whose inverse is often called instance-of) is different from the relation used to relate a member to a list (item). And it makes sense to speak of the nth member of a list, but not the nth member of a class. (You could talk about nth w.r.t. some order relation...) > <Property ID="imports"> > <label>imports</label> > <comment>for imports(X, Y) read: X imports Y; i.e. X asserts the* contents of Y by reference; i.e. if imports(X, Y) and you believe X and Y says something, then you should believe it. Note: "the contents" is, in the general case, an il-formed definite description. Different interactions with a resource may expose contents that vary with time, data format, preferred language, requestor credentials, etc. So for "the contents", read "any contents". > </comment> </Property> > > <! COMMENT: I'm sure you know this is a can of worms,and I won't ask about 'content', but what (kind of thing) is X supposed to be here? (A class??) > X and Y are documents; things that (syntactically) contain (syntactically) statements. Or... to be even more precise: they're resources that respond to request messages with reply messages that contain documents that contain statements. It's sort of a long story, but I think it's a story that I can specify in detail (unlike things like absolute complement, where I pretty much have to wave my hands.) I just told the story to somebody else in www-rdf-logic; see if that explanation works for you... Assertion by reference [was: Comments on Annotated DAML...] Dan Connolly (Wed, Oct 11 2000) Briefly, the following axiom specifies daml:imports: if answer(q1, a1) subject(q1, r1) says(a1, [imports(r1, r2)]) answer(q2, a2) subject(q2, r2) says(a2, s) then entails(a1, s) (I might be able to strengthen the axiom by changing says to entails in the two premises, but I'm not sure just yet... it could be that both imports-literally, where the says form of the premises is used, and imports-logically, where the entails form of the premises are used, will both be useful.) > In DAML-NUM > > <Class ID="Numeral"> <label>Numeral</label> <comment>a sequence of digits (perhaps a sign? decimal place?). Radix 10, I guess. Note that "10" is a numeral, but the corresponding number is something else: "10" is a label for that number; i.e. daml:label(n, "10"). @@hmm... is label unambiguous over Numbers? or do we allow, e.g. "010" and "10" to denote the same number? > <! I'd suggest allowing leading zeros, but they don't change the denotation. But note, people often do want to distinguish 10 from 10.0 as being different kinds of thing, so be careful, if you allow decimals, to let people keep integers and reals separate. Similarly for signs and negative numbers. Usual class distinctions for mathematicians are: naturals (positive only)/integers/rationals/reals; for geeks are: integers/reals. Naturals are natural for counting things. > Programmer geeks often mean "floating point number" when they say "real" too. There be dragons. Floating-point datatypes are not real datatypes Mark Reinhold <[email protected]> 5 October 1999 Anyway... daml-num is even less baked than the rest of this stuff... but I think the thing to do for now is to make a Natural class and an Integer class and let anybody who needs more than that make their case. > <Property ID="min"> <domain resource=""/> <range resource="#Integer"/> <comment>for min(S, x) read: x is the minimum of s; i.e. x is in S and every y in S is not less than x > <! Might be better to phrase this as every y in S is greater or equal. The way you have it, S could contain some non-integers and still have a minimum. Similarly for max.> Oops. Good point. > <Class ID="Range"> <label>Range</label> <comment> a set (class) of integers ranging from some min to some max. @@Hmm... how to say that each instance of Range is a subclass of Integer? > <! You could say that the range was the powerset of Integer, ie set of all subsets of Integer, maybe? Powerset (powerclass?) is likely to be generally useful.> Yeah, that seems reasonable. > <! Why not have this a function from a pair of integers to a class?> The basic building block is a 2-place predicate p(x,y); if you know something about it, you can regard it as a one-place predicate p(x)=y, but there's no syntax for f(x,y)=z. There are various ways to make up the difference, sort of like f(<x,y>)=z. i.e. first(pair, x) second(pair, y) range(pair, xToy) That's basically what all that restrictedBy/Restriction stuff is for. We could use that approach here, but it didn't occur to me at the time. > >From DAML-EX > > <Class ID="Person"> <subClassOf resource="#Animal"/> <restrictedBy> <Restriction> <onProperty resource="#parent"/> <toClass resource="#Person"/> </Restriction> </restrictedBy> </Class> > <! Well, this isnt wrong exactly, but its also not a very good definition since it is a nonterminating recusion. Does this matter in this framework?> I don't think it matters; in particular, because this isn't intended to be a definition. Just some claims about the thing called Person: that it's a Class, that it's a subclass of #Animal, and so on. > <UniqueProperty ID="mother"> <subProperty resource="#parent"/> <range resource="#Woman"/> </UniqueProperty> > <! Is father a UniqueProperty also, Yes... UniqueProperty says the same thing as cardinality=1. (*every* reviewer notices this. I should add a comment in daml-ex and daml-walthru so I won't have to keep explaining it ;-) > or are you making some biological point here?> no. > <! Does it follow from the above that father and mother between them constitute all the parents? How would that conclusion be derived in DAML?> Umm... if, by "the above" you mean the stuff above there in daml-ex, including the cardinality=2 statement about parent, then yes, I guess it follows that father an mother are all the parents. I don't have any particular set of inference rules in mind, but to sketch the argument, if I know father(Pete, Bob) and mother(Pete, Mary) then I can infer from the ranges of father and mother that type(Bob, Man) and type(Mary, Woman) and from the disjointness of Man and Woman, I can conclude that Bob and Mary are distinct. Then, from the premise that father and mother are subproperties of parent, I have parent(Pete, Bob) and parent(Pete, Mary) and finally, since the cardinality of parent is two, and Bob and Mary are distinct, I know I've got all the parents. > > <TransitiveProperty ID="ancestor"> <comment>@@need a property to relate this to parent</comment> > <! This is actually quite tricky. What you want to say is that ancestor is the transitive closure of parent, which means that 1. a parent is an ancestor, 2. that ancestor is transitive, and 3. that ancestor is the smallest (least true) property satisfying 1. and 2. This last part is the trickiest part and is hard to state properly even in full first-order logic. It might be a good idea to actually have transitiveClosure in the language as a primitive if you really think it is going to be used a lot, rather than try to define it.> Er... right... transitiveClosure is "a property to relate this to parent." as to being tricky to specify... I find the definition in the larch shared handbook fairly straightforward (after I puzzled over it a bit). I wonder if there's some built-in property of larch that hides the trickiness/ > <Class ID="Car"> <comment>no car is a person</comment> <subClassOf> <Class> <complementOf resource="#Person"/> > <That seems to say that a car is *anything* that is not a person. really? how so? > What you should say is that it is a subclass of the complementOf, That's what it does say, no? > or just say they are disjoint. Yes, that would probably be more straightforward. > Or you can say the relativecomplement is unchanged. > unchanged? Hmm... maybe I see what you're saying... Person \ Car = Person. > <Class ID="Height"> <oneOf parseType="daml:collection"> <Height ID="short"/> <Height ID="medium"/> <Height ID="tall"/> </oneOf> </Class> > <! I guess it is churlish to point out that this is meaningless, since a tall man is shorter than short building?> Yes, churlish indeed. ;-) It would be in order, however, for you to suggest a better example for oneOf. -- Dan Connolly, W3C tel:+1-913-491-0501 (office phone as of 27 Apr 2000) mailto:[email protected]?subject=pls%20call%20+1-NNN-NNN-NNNN
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