From: Alex Abramovich ([email protected])
Date: 05/06/01

Some information about Web CKEN Activity

Web CKEN (common knowledge environment) Activity proposition 


In the course of a long time I inquired  into problems of epistemology as applied to artificial intelligence. I developed the knowledge representation language LC (language for causalities).
It is possible to use LC as a tool for representing RDF metadata. 
It is possible to use LC as a language for Semantic Web Activity.
LC based on the next conceptions:
* The main principle of causality is action
* Thought based on the cognition of idea; 
     LC makes out object idea, action idea, problem idea, causality idea,
     state idea and situation idea
* LC conception of the knowledge progeny DNA
* LC conception of dynamic frame
* LC conception of dynamic object
* LC conception of dynamic causality
* LC conception of data quality interpretation
* LC classification of knowledge domains 
* LC conception of  knowledge navigation
* LC conception of  knowledge extracting
* LC conception of  Machine learning
* LC conception of  explanation
* LC conception of  education
* LC conception of  diagnosis
* LC conception of  prediction
* LC conception of  NLP

In contrast to the RDF (Resource Description Framework) LC-resource are 
activity's  dependent element. Therefore, LC-resource is context-defined and context-dependent. The choice of identifiers is made by application database designer (RDF), whereas identification it is expert's competence (Web CKEN).

In contrast to the Semantic Web Activity,  Web CKEN Activity is based on 
the stable foundation of  domain's knowledge representation.
Rules present only superficial knowledge, hence, inferences, choose courses of action and answer questions, based on the  rules, superficial too. Children are guided by rules, whereas adults are guided by causalities. 
Every domain could be described as a system of causalities.
Therefore, Language for Causalities (LC) is domain independent. 
Web CKEN Activity is based on LC presentations just as Semantic Web Activity's based on ontology pages. 

Because of the LC knowledge node particular qualities there are the finite set of knowledge processing types.
Every knowledge processing type is initialized by a subset of domain terms introduced into LC text by expert.
Knowledge processing type initialization is independent of corresponding domain terms subset structure. Thus it implyies that a structure of Web documents maybe arbitrary. In that way LC-browser is able to read an arbitrary text.
It is important to understand that chief user's aim is to solve his problem not to look for problem solving information.
Therefore, the first LC-browser's action is the recognition of the user's problem.
The second LC-browser's action is the user's problem decision.
But where from user's problem?
User's problem is a Human activity's product. 
Therefore, Web CKEN Activity's Chief Aim is a Human activity creation and support.
Web CKEN Activity's term "activity" corresponds to Semantic Web's "value chain".
"In the next step, Semantic Web will break out of the virtual r?¥??
lders for post-production LC-project or in order to submit a CKEN Activity proposal to W3C.

Sincerely yours,
Alex Abramovich

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