Begiiing Questions

From: Brown, Lawrence M. ([email protected])
Date: 10/23/00


   I'm creating an ontology on the "cosmos" and I wanted to create sets for
Stars:  White Dwarf, Red Giant, ...
I can restrict the star type based on a temperature property, but don't know
how to say,

If property "temperature" LessThan 4000, then "WhiteDwarf".

I started with,

<Class ID="WhiteDwarf">
  <subClassOf  resource="#Star"/>
       <onProperty resource="#temperature"/>
         --      what would go here?


But need clarity on restricting the property to < 4000.


Lawrence Brown
The Johns Hopkins University  
Applied Physics Laboratory   
11100 Johns Hopkins Road  
Laurel, MD 20723-6099  
443-778-4666 or 240-228-4666  
[email protected]

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