From: Greaves, Mark ([email protected])
Date: 05/27/05
Colleagues, It is my pleasure to announce that, effective today, Dr. Bob Popp ([email protected]) will take over from me as DARPA's DAML program manager. Dr. Popp is currently deputy director of DARPA's Information Exploitation Office, and has been a longtime supporter of DAML. Jack Howard will continue to support the program and will report to Dr. Popp. My four-year tour of DARPA ends today. After a few months of vacation, I will be moving to Seattle to take up the reins of Project Halo ( <> ), which is part of a long term research project in knowledge representation sponsored by Paul Allen's Vulcan organization ( <> ). One of the things that I will be doing is looking for ways to blend the more traditional expert-systems techniques used by Project Halo with some of the more distributed, web-based ideas we have been developing in DAML. I expect to remain fully engaged in the KR and Semantic Web communities. After today, please contact me at [email protected], as my DARPA email account will soon stop functioning. One of my favorite sayings is that the best mark of success of a DARPA program is when the program manager loses control of the technology. DAML reached that point some time ago - there is now an order of magnitude more semantic web development going on outside of DAML than is being directly funded by the program. OWL is now a global property, and it has been a great honor working with all of you that truly made it happen. Best wishes, Mark Dr. Mark Greaves DARPA IXO 3701 N. Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA 22203 (703) 526-6623 (voice) (703) 741-7800 (fax)
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