DAML Principal Investigators Meeting - Deadlines

From: Howard, Jack ([email protected])
Date: 03/13/03


  The deadline for hotel reservations for the DAML PI meeting is coming up
next Wednesday, March 19.  Please make your reservations by this date to
ensure that you have a room at the government rate.  Contact the Marriott
Biscayne Bay by calling the hotel reservation department directly at (305)
374-3900 or (800) 228-9290.

  Other approaching deadlines are:

Foreign National Visit Request - Friday, March 28, 2003

Online Registration and Payment - Wednesday, April 2, 2003

  Please contact me or our Conference Coordinators if you have any questions
regarding the meeting, registration, or deadlines.


John J. Howard 
Schafer Corporation 
3811 North Fairfax Drive 
Suite 400 
Arlington, VA 22203 
Phone: 703-516-6021 
Cell: 703-298-4754 
Fax: 703-516-6065 
E-mail: [email protected] 

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