RE: Next DAML PI Meeting

From: Howard, Jack ([email protected])
Date: 01/16/03


  The location for the DAML PI Meeting on 8-10 April, 2003 will be Miami,
FL.  The specific hotel has not been confirmed because negotiations are
still ongoing, however, this notice is being sent so that you have the
longest possible lead time to make air reservations.

  The agenda is still being developed, although the overall format will be
the same as for the last meeting.

  Details on the hotel, registration, and agenda will be provided in two to
three weeks.  Please contact me if you have any recommendations or questions
regarding the meeting.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Howard, Jack 
> Sent:	Wednesday, December 11, 2002 10:27 AM
> To:	'DAML-ALL'
> Cc:	Howard, Jack
> Subject:	Next DAML PI Meeting
> All,
>   This is an advance notice that the next DARPA Agent Markup Language
> (DAML) Principal Investigator (PI) meeting will be held Tuesday through
> Thursday, 8-10 April, 2003.  The DAML PI's have already been polled to
> determine dates with the fewest conflicts, but if you know of a major
> event affecting potential DAML attendees which may impact these dates,
> please let me know as soon as possible.
>   The location is TBD, but will be in Florida or possibly New Orleans.  An
> official announcement will be provided next month.
>   If you have any suggestions for the meeting or if you feel additional
> people should be added to the distribution list, please contact me.
> R,
> Jack
> John J. Howard
> Schafer Corporation
> 3811 North Fairfax Drive
> Suite 400
> Arlington, VA 22203
> Phone: 703-516-6021
> Cell: 703-298-4754
> Fax: 703-516-6065
> E-mail: [email protected]

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