Joint Committee Minutes 16 January 2001
This page summarizes the telecon for the Joint US/EU
Committee on Agent Markup Languages
held from 1300 to 1400 PST on 16 January 2001.
These minutes were prepared by the chairman,
and were approved during the 23 January telecon.
- Tim Berners-Lee (joined late)
- Dan Connolly (joined late)
- Mike Dean
- Stefan Decker
- Frank van Harmelen (joined late)
- Pat Hayes (joined late)
- Jeff Heflin
- Jim Hendler
- Ian Horrocks
- Ora Lassila
- Deb McGuinness
- Peter Patel-Schneider
- Lynn Andrea Stein (joined late)
The teleconference service we're using allows participants to mute
their phones even if they don't have a mute button.
Press 63 to mute, and 66 to unmute.
We'll start regularly running an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) session in
parallel with the telecons.
Connect to channel #joint-committee on will be moving to a new server and IP address over the
next week or so. Details and schedule are forthcoming.
Last Week's Minutes
The minutes from January 9 were approved by those present.
Jim Hendler has
DAML+OIL to www-rdf-logic.
In response to
feedback already received:
- Several typos in
have been fixed.
- RESOLVED: Disjoint will be removed in the next language revision.
- Late comment related to replacing Disjoint with disjointUnionOf:
we may want to rename disjointUnionOf to be disjointPartitionOf.
We'll discuss this next week.
Concrete Types
Ian and Peter's
was generally well received.
A few clarifications during Ian's presentation:
- rdf:Property could be a parent of ConcreteProperty and AbstractProperty
- DAML+OIL lists would be used for abstract instances; XML Schema lists for
concrete instances
- Dan Connolly commented that XML Schema types are currently identified
by a URI, name pair;
URI#name is currently only used within the RDF community.
- maxCardinality, etc. would probably not be treated as a ConcreteProperty,
but as a special language construct
- this proposal is essentially agnostic with respect to representation
-- it could be modified to prescribe use of XML Schema
Several issues came up during subsequent discussion:
- lexical identification of types (e.g. float vs. int vs. string, without need to consult schema)
- mixing concrete and abstract instances (e.g. in lists)
- ability to define subtypes such as odd integers at the DAML+OIL level
(ability to reason over types in DAML+OIL space)
Action items:
- ACTION (Ian Horrocks): refine proposal and add example syntax using
XML Schema. Post updated proposal to www-rdf-logic to stimulate
external discussion.
- ACTION (everyone): review Dan's
He's currently stuck on some hard issues.
- ACTION (Dan Connolly): post thoughts to www-rdf-logic to stimulate
new ideas.
Upcoming Topics
Possible topics for upcoming telecons:
- DAML+OIL Graph Model (if any):
ideas from
Conceptual Graphs,
extensions to RDF graph model,
- revisit DAML Collections following removal of Disjoint, etc.
- replace disjointUnionOf with disjointPartitionOf
- axiomatic semantics (defer to February 6 so Deb and Richard can
participate): further semantics for lists (e.g. equality, can a list
contain itself)
Kelly Barber's raw notes
last week's minutes
$Id: 2001-01-16.html,v 1.8 2001/01/23 23:32:38 mdean Exp $